
Why isn't there a Trapping category???

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Trapping is very popular... I know A bunch of people that trap. Im sure a trapping category would quite alright on here.....

Do you agree?




  1. we can't even get a firearms catagory, even though 50% of the questions here are really firearms questions.

    I'd say less than 10% of the questions here relate to trapping.  We have more airsoft questions than trapping questions, and we can't get yahoo to divert those dang airsofters, so no way trapping is giong to get anything

  2. There aren't enough trapping questions here to justify an entire section.

  3. I totally agree we need to break down the Catergory into smaller sub catergories not only do we need a trapping section we need a firearms, archery, airsoft and shooting section as well.

    Just to name a few.

  4. I agree with akluis there aren’t that many trapping questions here and we will never get different areas in the huting section.

    We have tried for a looooog time and Yahoo apparently feels there is no need.

    I am a trapper.

  5. why isn't there a paintball/airsoft category.....a BB/pellet gun catagory.........I could go on

  6. i agree with everyone else that we do need more categories. not to get off subject, but until i got on yahoo answers, i had no idea there was that many bb/pellet guns in this world haha. i know i had one when i was 6 or so but by the time i was 11 or 12 i got my first shotgun and .22. sorry i guess it just surprises me about their popularity

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