
Why isn't there an Amber - Alert out on this child?

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I'm sorry, but what is it about a!parents and defying court orders? Stephanie Bennett was coerced into an adoption, fought it, and got custody and the adoption agency told the parents to go into hiding! They are defying a court order! Doesn't this officially make it kidnapping? Why isn't there an Amber-Alert out for this child? I just read this and I don't get it? Same with Matt Tenneson. Can't the police take the child from the a!parents and give it back to the natural parents if there is a court order?





  1. Yeah, defying a court order in this case is tantamount to kidnapping.  As to why there isn't an Amber Alert, is that a state program or a federal program?  Meaning, do some states have Amber alerts and others do not?  Otherwise, I don't know, because they do issue Amber Alerts even when it is expected that the child is not in physical danger (such as  bio-parent kidnapping).

  2. That first link is nearly unintelligible. I've read every word, but with the dates all mixed up, the story is very hard to follow. Stephanie signed the custody papers, then had a change of heart. Tough. Teenagers have no business raising babies anyway. Now whether the state law allows her a period of time to change her mind is another matter. If it does, and she changed her mind during the time allowed by law, then by all means she should get her baby back. But *most* babies are better off in a loving, 2 parent, married, ADULT home than with a teenager. Sorry, that's just how I see it.

  3. That's so sad. Send Evelyn home.

  4. I don't know.  I know the adopters from Stephanie's case visit my blog regularly.  That is not the only case with LDS.  There is Joshua Simmerson, Cody O'Dea, Bryn Ayre, Shawn McDonald and probably a great deal more.  I was questioned by an adoptive parent who had both of her adoptions contested by the father.  So they have a long history of this.  LDS doesn't like me anyway.  I pointed the finger at them regularly like.  I imagine my blog will in many other court depositions.  In fact I spoke with Shawn's mom today.   They have been fighting for two years now.  TWO YEARS.  He did everything right.  I constantly publish case information.

  5. GO YOU--What an excellent question.  

    Stephanie's baby Evelyn was never legally adopted.  The couple involved, therefore, do NOT merit the name of "a'parents."  They simply took her and ran, hoping (perhaps) that the law will eventually come down on their side.  If justice prevails, as it finally did in the Anna Mae He case, they will not get to keep Evelyn.  They have no legal or moral right to her.  In the end they will only have caused her needless emotional pain and confusion.  I don't think that's what we do to children we truly love and care about.

    Yes, it is kidnapping.  I hope these people are found and convicted.

  6. Never stop speaking about it. The aparents get away with it, because the courts are letting them. They both need to be held accountable.

    There are many more parents than those few fighting for their children.

    I agree, this IS kidnapping. Stephanie Bennett was in her counselors office seeking guidance for her difficult situation. She didn't enquire about adoption. HE DID. And before he said ANYTHING to her after her speaking, he called an adoption agency. hmmm.... fishy? more than just a little.

    If teens have no business parenting a child, then why can they surrender their rights to a child without their parents consent?

    If i found out one day my nmother contested the adoption at a decent amount of time and my aparents resisted and fought it I'd BE FURIOUS.

    Never stop fighting Camira.

    Take it to the media, to origins, to a blog, to the other parents, unite, speak, and don't stop.

  7. I agree that there should be more notice.... but, the AmberAlert is a slighly different situation. There is certain "criteria" for issuing an Amber Alert and generally they only do so when they believe the Child is At Risk to be hurt..... Since the Aparents are not likely to Hurt the child then Amber Alert would not come into play....

    On Bio Families they only issue when there is a Direct Risk such as a past Domestic Violence Record, Past Child Abuse Records and in a Recent Case when a mother was thought to be Suicidal...

    And generally these are only issued at the Time of Flight in the Areas that the Flight is thought to be....

    A better place would be the Center For Missing and Exploited Children.....

    The Original Amber Alert was started in 1997 in Houston Tx and this is their Criteria:

    "1. The child is 17 years of age or younger

    2. The law enforcement agency believes the missing child has been abducted and is in danger of serious bodily harm or death

    3. The law enforcement agency has conducted an investigation that has verified the abduction or ruled out alternative explanations

    4. Sufficient information is available to disseminate to the public that could assist in locating the child, suspect, or suspect’s vehicle.

    Missing adults, runaways, and children taken in child custody disputes usually do NOT qualify for Amber Plan activation. "

  8. In both cases, the child was not kidnapped.

    And in the Tenneson case, he did not establish paternity in accordance with the State law.

    That ruling by the judge is going to be overturned, you just watch, the judge did not follow the law.

  9. I agree it is deplorable.  They only though use Amber Alert when the chlid's life is at risk or they don't know who took him/her.  In reality custody (including divorce custody) is the number one cause of kidnapping, when people defy a court order.  More attention should be paid to this for sure.

  10. This is a little off-topic but what about Amber Alerts for the unaccounted kids in the foster care system?

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