
Why isn't there any branch of SCIENCE studying the UFO phenomena?

by Guest55947  |  earlier

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I have seen today dozens upon dozen of photos of completely visible UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS, some clearly defined objects in the form of "flying saucers" or totally different shapes. I know (and can tell) some photos are hoax. But what about the hundreds of photos taken around the world, many just like the ones I describe?

Here's an excellent opportunity for SCIENCE to go after this. To study not only the composition of the photo itself, but also the lights and shapes involved, and also the NOISE (or lack of) in most of these objects.

Having seen some TV programs about these over the years I know of those which could well have been the lights of cars behind a hill, etc. But what about the many photos taking place right in the middle of the sky? At night or day?

The truth is right there. There's no speculation anymore for there is plenty of evidence that most are not airplanes, air balloons, car lights, nor meteors, nor comet tails.




  1. A lot of effort is being put into finding evidence of extra terrestrial life, with no success so far. The chances of a UFO being the real thing is near zero.

  2. there are two: paranoid psychology and mass delusions.

  3. There have been studies, and it was shown that over 955 of UFO's can be identified as normal things. The rest probably could be too, if all data could be found. There is really nothing to study, unless it is abnormal psychology about why people lie about being abducted by ET's. The truth is not what you say it is. You evidently want to believe in UFO's. Study both sides of any issue to find the truth.

  4. Science requires evidence.  There is no evidence.  Not one shred.  Hence there is no science dealing with the subject.  Ufo-ology is a pathetic hoax

  5. There is.It's called Ufology.The Ufologists study data collected

    at reported UFO landing sights,inter view people who have reported being abducted by "aliens" and anything else involved with the subject of UFOs including pictures,

    vidieo,films,artifacts and relics,crop circles and animal

    mutilations,forensic evidence and any thing else you can

    possibly think of.

    Though many of the tasks are deligated to specialists

    in the field of science pertaining(such as DNA evidence

    sent to a genetics labratory)it is the job of the Ufologist

    to cooridenate the investigation and record it's findings.

  6. i think the government has and probably needs to remain in control of that. since the attack on the U.S. they are hopefully more aware of anything flying near us than we can believe.

  7. This was studied scientifically in the 1950s and 1960s.  Little or nothing came out of a lot of work.  So there's going to have to be some really profound evidence to get scientists back working on this topic.

  8. To become an astronomer, I had to go through school, college, university, post grad, to eventually a doctorate.  As far as I am aware,  there is no school of "Ufology", and I don't know any scientist who subscribes to one.  To describe "Ufologists" as scientists really is stretching credibility too far.  With no, repeat no concrete evidence of visitors from other worlds, Ufology can never become a science.  Also, to cite TV shows as evidence of their existence is pushing the boundaries far, far away!  The most convincing photograph I ever saw of a flying saucer turned out to be a hubcap from a Dodge!

  9. It is actually a piece of science - either for forensic science or psychology.

    The truth is right there. There's no speculation anymore for there is plenty of evidence that humans are often stupid enough to hope that it is not a airplane, balloons, discotheque lasers, meteors, Chinese candles, clouds... or a simple fake.

  10. Unidentified  flyiin obectsare not alien apacecraft. They are smply unidentiiefd.

  11. Ask our wonderful federal government first.

  12. Scientists need hard evidence to give OFOlogy any legitamacy, and the truth is.....there just isn't any.

    Only the same fuzzy pictures and shakey video.

    What is scientific evidence? Lets define it:Scientific evidence is evidence which serves to either support or counter a scientific theory or hypothesis. Such evidence is expected to be empirical and properly documented in accordance with scientific method such as is applicable to the particular field of inquiry. Standards for evidence may vary according to whether the field of inquiry is among the natural sciences or social sciences

    Evidence is information, such as facts, coupled with principles of inference (beliefs and assumptions), that make information relevant to the proof or disproof of a hypothesis. Scientific evidence is evidence where the dependence of the evidence on principles of inference is not conceded, enabling others to examine the background beliefs or assumptions employed to determine if facts are relevant to the proof or disproof of a purported hypothesis.

    So, UFO's fall into the same category with ghosts, magic,

    alien (abduction),ESP, life after death, etc.

  13. The private sector does much of the studies and funding for it's research. Funny thing is, they often take pictures of our government's top secret aircraft before they are admitted to being real. The stealth series of aircraft comes to mind.

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