
Why isn't there more education in the US re declawing?

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Declawing is illegal in many countries yet many Americans think it is an acceptable thing to do to a cat. In the UK, where I'm from, it's seen as inhumane and tantamount to animal abuse. Why isn't there more education on the effects it has on the cat?




  1. Americans are all about convienience. We don't care what the affect is on the animal or person, as long as it's fast and easy. Ever wondered why Americans are so fat? High Fructose Corn Syrup is banned in many parts of the world, but it's in almost every single American food you can find, unless you shop at a health food store. It's put in there because it's cheap to make, and addictive and keeps the eater coming back for more. De-clawing, and not putting information out there, is pretty much running along the same line of thought - Americans want to protect their precious couches....well why in the fluck did you get a cat in the first place?

  2. I had to educate myself about the truth of declawing, unfortunately many vets here in the US are happy to do it or at least fail to really explain what is actually involved in the procedure. Then many people fail to research it themselves. Someone suggests declawing and they go ahead and get it done without stopping to learn anything about it.

    I wouldn't get surgery for my cats or myself without learning about it first, but apparently some people don't think that's necessary.

    Then there's the belief that a cat who doesn't act like he's in pain must not be in pain.  Anyone who really knows cats knows that isn't the truth. With the exception of an accidentally stepped on tail or something like that, I've never seen a cat show that they're in pain.  I know if someone cut off my fingers and toes at the first knuckle I would complain constantly, but just because cats are a lot tougher than I am doesn't mean they don't feel the same level of pain.

    It is really sad and I wish it was illegal here too.  

  3. Unfortunately, more people are concerned about their comfort and convenience rather than the happiness and health of the cat in regards to de-clawing. I think if people would actually ask what the surgery entails, they wouldn't do it. I have watched two declaws in my time at the clinic where I work. Done the traditional way, cats can be sore and unhappy. Done with a laser, they seem a lot happier. It's still a horrible thing to do in my opinion.  

  4. The information is slowly working its way through the system. I have avoided pet ownership for years, but I have heard of the discussion, and noted it

    I was recently forced to be adopted by a de-clawed, neutered cat, who has managed to successfully beat-up every alley cat that dare enters our backyard.

    His vet does not push this treatment, and people who request it are given the pros and cons, and educated about it.

    It will take time, and people will slowly be educated about the subject. I do not think anyone who owns and loves a cat would purposely want to harm their cat. Keep up the questions and links you have offered. There would be more education regarding de-clawing if more people got active as you have done.

  5. I do not know why there is such little information on declawing of cats in the United States.  However, I can offer a guess... and that would be that the agency within our government that handles this..., "situation" is not stepping up to the plate to cease this practice.

    I think the practice is cruel, and abhorrable.  I must also say that I am ashamed of my ignorance.  Yesterday, when I began answering questions about cats was my first introduction to what actually occurs upon declawing.  Since I would never consider declawing any animal, I guess I "assumed" too much about the practice.  

    My assumption was the claws were removed.  That in itself is horrible, but yesterday I discovered on this site that the entire top of the paw is removed likening it to someone removing the entire top joints of my hands, My God!! what defense does the animal have, what suffering, what a disgusting thing for a veterinarian to do.  I would think that they would be screaming the loudest about the horrific practice of declawing.

    I am going to make a plan then lend my voice and time in an effort to help end this horror.  Cant happen today, but I have many tomorrows to work with.


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