There are mystical philosophies to life, materialistic philosophies, dogmatic religious philosophies, hedonistic philosophies, achievement-oriented philosophies, practical philosophies, idealistic philosophies...and all of them have their critics, all of them have people who say "that approach to life is wrong because......." People who say "you have to choose your own path in life, the one that feels right to you" don't help either because, who am I to know what the right path is? Who am I to say "this is why I'm here, this is what I'm supposed to do/be/have while I'm alive"? NO ONE can know for sure if they're right, NO ONE. Anyone can ask on their deathbed "what if my whole life has been wrong?" Why even choose if there's no way to know if you're going to be right, or even if there IS a right way? Anyone else ever struggle with these questions? Anyone ever gotten past them to where the questions didn't bother them anymore?