
Why isn't these european countries giving georgia a hand against mother russia?

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It's like russia has them all scare-shitless to do anything! i think if england, france, germany, sweden, norway, poland, ukraine, all unloaded on they're asses simultaneously russia would cease to exist!!!




  1. because they dont stick there noses in every war like americans do

  2. They aren't helping because most of Eurpope's natural gas and crude oil is delivered from Russia.  Help Georgia and they risk a real loss of fossil fuel supplies.

  3. I hate to say it but England's military is not near what it used to be.  They would not stand a chance against Russia.  The military is so bad off they actually share bullet proof vests.  *this told me by a man in the RAF*  France won't get into anything unless it directly affects them, they are cowards.  As for the rest I am guessing they have their "reasons" too.  Probably waiting on the USA to do it for them as usual. (excluding England of course)

  4. Maybe the very legitimate concern about escalating the war has got something to do with the reluctance of European countries to enmesh themselves.

    Besides, it isn't just a matter of sending personnel and equipment to "give a hand".  Russia de facto occupies Georgia as it is, and nothing short of a full scale invasion will winkle them out.

  5. you have to remember when the Germans were under attack no one helped them out in fact the got more than half of there land taken away Germany is about Half the size of Texas so if any thing some one should be helping them out  

  6. Probably so we dont all end up waking up to a nice nuclear war.

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