
Why isn't this girl talking to me?

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There's this girl I'm talking to online and The first time I talked to her then the second time she asked me if I was g*y and I said no then the third time she asked me if I was a les and I said no. The fourth time she said she met like a girl who likes guys is g*y and a a girl who likes girls is a L*****n and then I told her that I like guys. Then I said hi to her and she's like sorry I have to go and I'm like ok and then she was still on. I said something to her. (I forgot what I said) and she's "I had to go calm down" and I'm like ok. One day her boyfriend was on and I thought she just put him as her avatar. I said "Hi" and he said "Hi this isn't Zoey it's her boyfriend" I said ok. He sid "Is that a problem and I said no" so I talked to him and he told me about a flood somewhere.(I can't remember where) and that was it. Today she was on and I said Hi but she didn't reply back then later on she showed me her webcam and I said Hi and she waved to me from the webcam and was on the phone then she got off. Today I was about to say something like this to her "I might be wrong about this but I feel like you don't like me" but I didn't because I afraid of the way she would react. I had a good conversation one time with her and she one day she got mad because I wouldn't let her show me her webcam but then I did let her.




  1. well that's weird...she seemed kind of obsessed with asking you if you were straight or should talk to her because maybe there is something wrong. that's the best i can do. (she sounds kinda weird)

  2. You're g*y, and it's ok otherwise it won't even bother you and you wouldn't care not one bit... maybe you're a bisexual, go bisexuals they are always fun!

  3. why do u even care. u dont even know this girl. just move on with ur life. if she wants to talk to u she will stop stressing over this ****.

  4. thats wierd. maybe she's uncomfortable with the whole "maybe she is g*y/straight situation". maybe she doesnt know whether to believe if you're g*y or straight. which i must admit is reallyy wierd....

    i hope i helped a little

    answer mine plz?;...

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