
Why isn't whale hunting illegal?

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Why isn't whale hunting illegal?




  1. Because whale meat is very tasty and it's no different than fishing.

  2. Why illegal?

  3. i dont know but is so sad cause soon they will most likly be endagered i will cry because i love whales

  4. probibly they say that they dont care bout whales

  5. because they are 'only animals'.

    actually, it sort of is already; the Japanese take what is euphemistically called a 'scientific catch'. Innuit are allowed a small catch as they subsist on it, i can sort of go along with that. give it another 50 years and it will be seen as a bit obscene and stop, Australia was a whaling nation until the 70's and now they are overwhelmingly anti. give it time.

  6. I think whale hunting is illegal.  I'm not Positive but why kill animals?

  7. It is.

  8. It is!! Japan and Norway still do it claiming it is "scientific research" so that they can get away with it.

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