
Why isnt Birmgham,AL a major city in the USA?

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We're home of the civil rights movement, why arent we a major city like ATL and MIA




  1. Not to mention the fact that Birmingham is, in fact, in Alabama.

  2. Because, by Major City standards, Birmingham is small.

    Look at the population of all major cities and you will find that Birmingham's population is well below the average.

  3. Population is not as large.

  4. If I remember the article correctly (I can't find it now so forgive my paraphrasing)...

    Birmingham got "Out Howdied" by Atlanta.  Not long after (or maybe before) WWII when Birmingham and Atlanta were about the same size and commercial aviation was just coming into it's own, both cities went to Washington DC to vie for the federal money etc. to become the transportation hub of the south.  Birmingham made more sense due to a more central location, stronger industry, etc.

    But, Birmingham's (who went first) presentation was BORING!!!

    When Atlanta got their turn, I wish I could remember WHO they had give it, this guy gets up in his big cowboy hat and gives a great big, "HOWDY!" to everyone in the room.  His personality is so great that despite having less to work with Atlanta gets the deal.  It wasn't just for an airport but for billions toward infrastructure, manufacturing, everything!

    From that moment on Atlanta would be the "First City of The South."

  5. Because its about business, development and money, not history.

  6. Population of the metropolitan area.  

    Miami 3.8 M  Atlanta 4.1 M, Birmingham, less than 1 M

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