
Why isnt a drop goal regarded as a knock-forward?

by  |  earlier

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i watch a lot of rugby and played some when i could still walk, and always wondered why when a player drops the ball, allowing it to bounce before kicking a goal during play, why isnt it classed as a knock-on?




  1. Yep...they should admit their mistake...ban drop goals and give Australia the 2003 world cup...

  2. Technically you're right - even more so for a charge-down, but I guess it can be viwed as special rules to make the game more multi-dimensional.

  3. Because it's like a set piece and a special case. It's the same as asking why is it that if a player catches the ball before it hits the ground in their own 22 right after a kick off or restart, is he not allowed to call the mark and kick for touch?

    It's what makes rugby so intersting, because you can play it in different ways and isn't one-dimensional like some other sports.

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