
Why isnt adam goodes a captain?

by Guest34262  |  earlier

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yes, the captains are good, by adam is equal if not better. I mean, barry hall for instance hasnt even won a brownlow. adams won 2.




  1. You'll find all the s**y players here

  2. I reckon you need someone who has a towering presence meaning the players will follow and draw inspiration from him. Goodes does not seem to be that kind of fellow. Yes he's inspiring but he's not the player that Swans nor his swannie fans MOST want to follow.

    Chris Judd is not that type of fellow too but because the former captain misbehaved, the Eagles fans loved him and coz he's got a clean record, he was chosen by default as Eagles leading man.

  3. Because he cries when they lose :P

  4. simply, though he can play football very well... but he doesnt have the brains of football to captain

  5. he does not have the brains and football knowledge to be captain

  6. because he is c**p

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