
Why isnt cricket in the olympics?

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what i dont understand is the second biggest sport in the world is not in the olympic games. i see that they have baseball in the olympics. cricket is obviously a bigger sport and more people around the world play it (no offense to all the baseball fans). then y isnt it in the olympics???




  1. because the chinese don't know how to play them.

  2. i think it is so because it is not so popular. i mean except a few countries like 20 or 30.and besides there are many countries which dont know that there is a game called cricket

  3. i think the reason is ODI (50 overs) cricket match lasts for 1 day. Imagine if min 10 teams are participarting in the group level, there will be lot of matches and it will take lot of time.

  4. Just because Olympics want the games to be some little in time. I think even T20 is not much small to be in Olympics. May be 10/10 over games will some day be added in Olympics.

  5. Cause the U.S. doesn't even know what cricket is.

  6. if they include cricket, it will make the subcontinent's 1.5 billion people watch it.....i.e more than one/sixth of the world..this will lead to a huger and rapid number of audience

  7. even though a lot of people don't play baseball everyone knows what it is. I don't think cricket is something everyone knows about.

    It's all about the money, if you don't have a large majority of viewers no money.

  8. Because In Cricket ,Indian are powerful (BCCI),but in Olympics they are not that powerful...

  9. It should be in the Olympics shouldn't it? its a fantastic sport and we should do everything we can to make sure its in the next olympic games in London! More people will watch the olympics if cricket is in it!

  10. plz leave creicek aside im bored

  11. who knows... there are so many odd things in the olymics.

  12. Because many countries even dont know the rules of Cricket.......

    And If ODI or Test will take too many days to finish....

    If you take T20 formet in Olympics,then the rest teams(except the test playing team) will prepare themselves only for T20 and the legacy of Test and ODI formet will be definitely affected......

    Think now and tell WHAT TO DO?

  13. I think London 2012 will be a perfect time to bring T20 cricket in.  It is gaining popularity around the world.  

  14. becoz in beijing there is no cricket ground

  15. I think the Twenty20 format for the Olympics would be a brilliant addition for 2012.

  16. Cricket is not really played around the world, there will be unfair for most of the others and the only common sport of coarse for everyone will be in Olympics,which will be definitely fair.

  17. Simple reason for it is Cricket is not a global sport - played in only 10 countries.  ICC has never made serious effort to make it global.  And then it is very long and tedious while main requirement of Olympics is agility and swfitness.  T-20 is not a real cricket and it should not be in the Olympics.

  18. They are looking at having cricket in the Olympics by 2020..

    I think it would be good to have it in the Olympics,and just think,it may also help India with their poor display in the olympics.

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