
Why isnt euthanasia legal in the uk?

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thats ridiculous, if someone WANTS it, no one can force people into it, geez. i dont see whats unethical about it if someone wants it. sanctity of life? yeah, tell that to those going to war.




  1. It's too easily confused with murder.

    Assisted suicide is the best you can get.

  2. Youth in asia?


  3. I don't know it should be though if someone is consenting

  4. It's a very old fashioned idea - but sanctity of life - however I suspect that once the reality of longevity takes hold then you will find our pensioners being pushed into euthanasing whether they want to or not.

  5. I'd assume because the Government finds it immoral to assist those who want to end their own lives.

    They would not want their families that were left behind to blame them for what could be an ill family member choosing to end their pain without their knowledge.

    To openly support those who wanted to do it would be controversial and extremists would go as far as to say they were backing murder.

    It takes a lot of pressure from their shoulders to just say no, especially when it is so easily available elsewhere.

  6. I don't know, it should be in the US too, I can think of quite a few people who should be euthanized.

  7. because of the ethics which surround it.

  8. There's way too much controversy surrounding it.  

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