
Why isnt it reported and when someone jumps infront of a train..?

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Well I live in NYC.

A teen fell in the train tracks yesterday.

I dont know whether it was suicide or not.

But I didnt see that on the news .

I found out through a friend who was going to take the train then

Is it cause this will make people jump infront of trains?





  1. Why bother?    They would be just as dead.  

    And yes,  you will often get copy cats so their name will be in print or on TV too.   They are just not bright enough to realize they will never get to see it.

  2. Well, I can't speak for NYC, but... Here in Northern California, any accident with CalTrain gets on the idiot box (TV)... if even only for 5 seconds.  For the MOST part though, a single person on the tracks is NOT worthy of any MORE time.

    The PAPERS will always put a tiny article inside the next morning as well.

    Suicide occurs, AS does stupidity and accidents... on CalTrain, it's a $500+ fine for trespassing on the rails.  There are also a half-dozen Suicide-Hotline signs posted in each station and every 50 yards along the tracks

  3. Strange as it may sound, it's not news worthy, except on a slow news day.

    Why?  Because it is far too common. Usually only when particularly gruesome  is the report slipped in the broadcast as filler, before the commercial break before the weather report.

    It's kind of like executions at Huntsville.  No longer uncommon, no longer news worthy.

    Which is why I bang the safety drum incessantly.  You ignore warning devices, you get in the way, you try to surf 'em, you trespass on railroad property, you become a non news worthy statistic as well.  I've yet to hear the news report that reads, "Joe Average was walking down Elm Street minding his own business yesterday, when he was killed in an unprovoked attack by a freight train."

    Now THAT would be a news story...

  4. The media gets more rating for homocides than suicides.

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