
Why isnt my dog eating!!?

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i have a cockapoo named wally. he is currently 4 months old.For the past couple of months he was eating good until this month(august).we feed him nutro natural for puppies and he likes it( i hope).

recently, he had been playing with my friends dog angel

angel is an american bulldog.

they would go on walks together.

well, a couple days ago they had to put her to sleep.

the part that was skinny close to her butt had been getting they took her to the vet and they said she had a disease wear water would leak inside of her and it was filling the area up. it was put her to sleep or wait until it explodes.

when all of this was happening angel hadn't been eating

so i'm concerned wat if she gave the diseases to my puppy

please respond and help me!




  1. Try playing with your pup more.It is missing his friend.Do you have another dog friend that your dog can play with?

      If not its up to you to replace the lost friend with your self.Long walks lots of play time new toys,more interaction with your pup should help after all its just a baby.

      I doubt very much that your dog caught any thing from your friends dog.

      You might also want to enhance the food a little cottage cheese or a few drops of gravy might do the trick.Tilks Mom

  2. There's no such a thing as a cockapoo... There are only pure breeds and mutts.

  3. call a vet to find out if what the bulldog had was contagious. If it was not your dog may just be depressed. When we had to have my GSD out to sleep my lab mix was depressed and didn't eat or play normally.  

  4. because he might be feeling going do my;...

  5. Please take your pup to a vet ASAP.  Also, Wally might be feeling sad because of the loss of his friend.  Or, he might be picking up moods and tension in the home (if there is any).  The best thing to do would be to have a vet check Wally out. Hopefully if he does have the disease, it can be cured bef it is too late.  Meanwhile, check out the symptoms of the disease.  Look on Google or another search engine.  Then you can have an idea of what is going on.

  6. Ask your friend what vet they took their dog to and call them and ask if what the A.bulldog had was contagious.

  7. First of all I would find out if the disease is even contagious.  If it is I wouldn't mess around before taking the puppy to the vet.  It may also be that your puppy misses her friend and is sad.

  8. It sounds as if your puppy is grieving.  Dogs and cats grieve the loss of their animal friends and family (sometimes people too) just like we do.  He needs lots of love and attention, and you might consider getting him a brother or a sister  to play with at home so he won't be so lonely.  

    Find out from your friend exactly what the disease was that her dog passed away from and just check with your vet if it was contagious.  If Wally has had all of his shots I am sure that he will be fine, but it never hurts to be cautious.  

    I hope that Wally will be okay, and that his grieving period won't be too long.  He is too young to be so sad.

  9. SOUNDS like stomach cancer. see a vet asap.

  10. Only a vet can answer that question.  Your puppy may be missing her buddy.  They grieve just like we do, but they can't talk!  I hope nothing is wrong.  If you don't have the money for a vet, try calling Angel's vet and asking if she had something that your puppy could have gotten from her.

  11. She could have a disease but you should consider the Dogs feelings also.

    I know it may sound stupid but dogs pick up on things like this and will feel greif if they have lost a close friend/buddy. This could be the reason she is not eating at the moment.

    Also try picking up on his mood, is it a non playful mood all the time? does he just lie down everywhere he goes? is he scared even? these are the things that show you the dog is having a rough time or is even depressed. Give him time and he should come around, but also be as playful as possible when he is not as this would turn him around also.

    P.S im no Dog expert but i sure know Dogs have feelings and emotions and can also pick up on things you did not know they could.

    Hope this helps some.

  12. i would call ur vet and tell him what happend to the other dog and see if ur pup could get the same thing.i think he should be ok and he sounds like he is pineing for his playmate and missing her. ur pup needs lots of love and attention since he feels abondoned by the bulldog, try to take him for walks as always and get him good and hungry then feed him little amounts until he gets a good taste of the food and wants more. u might consider getting him a playmate like another pup if u have the time,space and money for another pet, it will make him perk up. if he continues to act the ame way take him in for a check up to see whats going on, show him lots of love and hopefully he will bounce back. good luck

  13. It's possible your dog is grieving the loss of his pal but to be on the safe side ask angel's owner if her dog had anything contagious. If in any doubt take you dog to the vet for a check up,it may be your dog has an illness totally unrelated to this but needs to be treated.

  14. your pup won't get it but it maybe mourning the loss of it's friend.

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