
Why isnt my ex boyfriend being arresting for raping me?

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when i got pregnant i was 15 he was 18. we have been dating since i was 14 and he was 17. we had s*x and now im pregnant and he left me and is now with another girl. i feel like trash and i feel like he used me and never loved me and cared. in new york the consent law is 17. which means he was above the age of consent and i was below. and the baby is proof we had s*x bc hes the father. but when my mom called the detective about me being statutory raped he said because we dated for over a year my ex would just get misdemeanor and get out of it and they said its not even worth making the arrest! why is this? can someone explain this better?




  1. First of all you were not raped.  Tell that story to the many women that are truly considered rape victims and they'd be extremely offended by you throwing that word around so loosely!  It's a very serious matter... Furthermore, maybe your justice system realizes that this situation is a waste of time.  If you all were still together would you press charges? Of course not!  He's over you and you just have to get over it...he's the father of your child, it wouldn't be wise to have him put in jail over something so silly.  Grow up, honey- you're a mom now!

  2. There is normally also a requirement for there to be a minimum age difference between the parties.  In New York, it is statutory rape for someone aged 18 or older to have s*x with someone under 15.  Therefore, I think that your case does not come under the statutory rape definition in New York - the four year age difference is the determining factor.

  3. You really shoudnt have been having s*x with a 17 or 18 yr old guy. If you consensted to it, really its not rape, but your still underaged. I guess because you guys dated for more than a year, it s not like it was a one night stand, and you never saw each other again.  

  4. This is exactly why the s*x offenders registry is a crock of ****.

    People like you who only wish to seek revenge on someone by crying rape are pathetic.

    I don't care how bad your break up was, You ex does not deserve to be a registered s*x offender just because you and your mom are childish. GET A LIFE. NO WONDER WHY HE LEFT YOU!

  5. You were willing. Your Mother knew you were dating. The only reason you cry "Rape" is because he left you. It's as much, if not more, your responsibility.

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