
Why isn`t there anyone out there to save the people in all the disasters we`ve seen and know?

by Guest34261  |  earlier

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Look why is it so hard to tell these so called leaders ,if you can`t look after your people, and so you must go ,some wheir but not on this planet .. and go and take them outif they don`t comply, and if china or russia or any other country can`t protect and save their people and children and seniors , Please tell me is there anyone out there?




  1. Super Heroes are only on Television

  2. I'm from the USA and we can't even take care of the victims of the Louisiana/Katrina disaster so hopefully you are from Canada or something b/c NO one is doing an exemplary job right now.  The Chinese got 150,000 troops together to help and they seem to be trying to make an effort to promote tourism during the Olympics in 8/8/08.   If the United States even HAD 150,000 troops in this country it's doubtful if Bush would use them to rebuild the levies in LA.  Everyone is ignoring the problem since it only affects the lower echelon Blacks of this country.  A total TRAVESTY!  s***w the poor ... more money for the rich.  Arrrghhhh ....

    As far as I can see on the news everyone WANTS to help China but China is reserving their RIGHT To take care of their own people.  They are doing a great job considering the fact that Mother Nature came down on them hard.  But we still have the Ring of Fire starting right now and we have to see how THAT ONE plays out.  Plus the USA has to deal with the sins of Bush so we're having floods, and hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes.  Do you think perhaps the Gaia consciousness is a bit ticked off with the humans right now?? Yeah. me too!!


    Peace y'all ... Hang on to something solid and just try to ride it out!

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