
Why it's safer to drive on a heavy car than a lighter one especially on slippery roads?

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Please note that although the force of friction increases by increasing the mass of a vehicle,the acceleration doesn't change(according to the rule F=ma).




  1. Because the heavier the car, the more friction is going to happen do to the tires pushing so hard against the concrete. Imagine it as if you have a surface that is at a 25 degree tilt. Now on top you put a regular baseball, and a humongous girl softball. Which would you expect to slip down first? It would be the baseball because it is lighter thus causing less friction and falling rolling quicker.

  2. Consider your 6000-lb car, moving along minding its own business, then this little pipsqueak 1500-lb car slams into you at 25 mph. You'll feel a bump - will be ok - but the driver of the pipsqueak car may need to be scraped off his windshield. You win, he loses. Because your car is heavier, his car can't slam your's around.

  3. Because the more massive the vehicle is means there is a greater force on the ice through the tires and therefore more friction. That plus it is safer to be in a more massive vehicle on the road because should you collide with another smaller vehicle you will decelerate much more slowly than you would have if you were in a smaller vehicle.  

  4. Driving on top of another vehicle is never advised.

  5. because there is more friction because friction

    Force of friction=mgcos(theta)u



    theta=angle created by road with respect to the horizantal

    u=coefficient of friction

    more friction means better grip and better grip means better stopping ability and if you crash according to the conservation of momentum you wont move as far and you would get lss hurt

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