
Why it's weird for a 15 yr old to play pretend with barbies?

by  |  earlier

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well i asked a question if it was weird for me to still play with barbies and i got alot of yes's plus a phycologist said i need help..WHY????




  1. i dont think its weird but im 16 years old i dont have the psyciatric experiance

    but who knows..i dont think its weird probly cuz i like to dress the barbies up and like fix their into fashion and hair

  2. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong by playing pretend with barbies! Seriously, barbies aren't always for little kids. I know some older boys and girls who play with barbies!

    You DO NOT need help! Sometimes, I'll play with Bratz or Barbies by myself, and sometimes I even do it with my friends. You might be a little old for barbies, but lets face it, they can be pretty cool.

    And when you play pretend, you're only using you're imagination! And that's good!!!!

    Most kids today just sit around and watch TV, play video games, go on the computer, or just lay around and say, "There's nothing to do today!!!"

    But there is always something to do everyday!!! USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!!!! So to tell you the real truth, you are NOT weird. I can't believe people would say that you are!

    Hope I helped and remember,





  3. do not listen to other people just be your self. i still play with brat dolls and i am 13 and i do not care about what other people think.

  4. Perhaps, but don't worry about it...who cares how you spend your time...

  5. If I'm not mistaken you asked before if it "was ok to play with Barbies".. Which is why so many people said "Yes". Nothing wrong with it. you think a real psychologist  be wasting their time on Yahoo! answers? The answer to that one is "No". Play with them, not a darn thing wrong with it. People are just being hateful.

  6. That person was most likely not a professional, just someone saying they were because they wanted to make you feel bad. It's weird because most people grow out of playing with Barbies by the time they are fifteen. There is most likely nothing wrong with depending on why you play with them. I mean if you're only playing with them because you find it fun, you're fine. But if you're using them as friends or some other such thing then you may want to talk to a therapist.

  7. I think you have a disease, you  may not live over it.

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