
Why it doesn’t matter that McCain hides his POW records?

by Guest63436  |  earlier

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If he is clean than why he needs to hide them???




  1. Because nobody but you wants to see them.

  2. It would ruin McCain's image of a war hero, if the media ever jumped on the fact he raped a woman while in Vietnam, among other aspects of his exaggerated heroism.

  3. Same reason Bushs military records disappeared.  Helps having daddy in charge!

    I knew a Marine, in boot camp all were asked if there was anyone in the family in the military on graduation day that would need to be acknowldged, andthe group moron  said yes and the sarg snickered and asked who that might be and the kid said his dad, and amused he asked his rank and was told general.  Oh! Now everyone knew how he managed to pass anything that he should not have, true story.

  4. Because he assisted the North Vietnamese in their propaganda efforts. That according to other POW's who were imprisoned with him.

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