
Why it happens to me? ?

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I'm scared, because i think i hate black people i don't know how it happened. i had black friends from cuba and brazil and i never hate them only it happened with african americans what i should do?? i don't want to be a racist!




  1. I don't think you necessarily hate black people, that's just some feeling that yourmisinterpretingg. You have to look deep inside yourself, and really ask yourself why. Only you know the real reason. Maybe a black person did something to you in the past? Whatever the reason is just know that you can't choose your color or ethnic background, so there's really no use to be racist against anyone.

  2. Stop listening to whoever is spewing the racism! I imagine you are getting it from someone so just stop talking to that person and/or persons!

    Also, the first answer is also a very good idea.  

  3. Analyze why you feel this way.  If it's more of a biased feeling you may just have a prejudiced view of black people.  You should never single out an entire race only from what you know or heard about them.  The best way to get to know someone (regardless of color) is to simply talk to them.  If you tried that you may find that you have more in common with them than you think.  By the way, this is coming from a white guy.  I grew up in a racially divided family.  Dad hated everyone who wasn't white, Mom taught us that being prejudiced is wrong.  I'm grateful for my mom otherwise I might have turned into some ignorant white supremacist or something.  The bottom line is: don't be ignorant.  Get to know people INDIVIDUALLY.  Don't put them into a group and decide you don't like them.  I have good friends of all nationalities.  Variety is the spice of life.  If we all looked the same how boring it would be.

  4. catch up on your african-american history & you'll realize how much they have contributed to society & also you should realize that just because a certain group of african-americans act a certain way, not all of them are like that.

  5. well why do you think you feel this way? and hate is such a strong word. you should talk to someone about this.

    i would really hope you dont dislike races different from your own. it's not a good way to live

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