
Why its so d**n hard to issue an american visa? they reject people on daily basis?

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ppl who have worked hard to finish all their papers people who have hopes n dreams n goals to estabilish at that time n at that place -- embassies are being so unreasonable with their rejections now i know why mexicans get in and never come back




  1. Look one thing I do know about a lot of rejections for visas is that the immigration service really pays attention to details on their applications.  I do not know who did your paperwork but I would assume you did it and you probably made an error somewhere. What I would do if I were you is to find a good attorney who specializes in immigration and get them to file your application for you. It will cost you a good price but in the long run it would be worth it.

  2. Yep well it makes it that much better when you make it. Sorry about you difficulties trying to get in and hope you will keep trying until you make it

  3. At the end of the day, can you blame them?

    They have the current problem of being over run by immigrants, in addition to the threat of terrorism (the september 11 terrorists were in the US on valid visas issued at embassies abroad).

    They really can't be too careful.

  4. Hi none -- the reasons are twofold.  First, it's the law.  Section 214B of the Immigration and Naturalization Act says that all visa applicants are presumed to be intending to immigrate illegally unless they can deomstrate otherwise.  This is actually quite a reasonable assumption.

    Second, experience shows that a great many visa applicants -- in some countries like Mexico, Guatemala, Nigeria, et al ad nauseum -- are not truthful when they are applying for a visa; it is a VISITOR'S visa, not a residency visa, and they do indeed intend to work, reside, go to school, etc on a visitor's visa.

    Hope that clears it up.  While some good visa applicants are unfortunately rejected (i.e. they DO just intend to visit Aunt Soledad for two weeks) and some bad ones are issued, I think most of the time they get it right.

  5. Why don't you and your alter ego (you're not like me) head back to Saudi Arabia. We all know you didn't get the visa because you failed your exams and had low marks as well as didn't bring one of the forms to the interview.

    Visas are not a right, they're a privledge.

  6. Its why they denied your visa application.

  7. The ***** is this. The Law states that EVERY person who applies for a VISA wants to immigrate and live in the US. You generally have to prove that you WONT stay. like bank accounts, jobs family, ect.

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