
Why join the military?

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Why did you join? What are the benefits of joining as opposed to staying a civilian. Is the "danger factor" worth it? I've heard plenty of good things but there has to be some bad things too. What would be negatives to joining?




  1. Well i joined around a month and half ago. I joined for a number of reasons, its great work experience since i want to become a police officer and im only 18 it would be great to get some hands on expierence. I have always looked up to soldiers and had the dream of being one and can now have people looking up to me. So i joined the reserves as a 31bravo miltary police. I have a guranteed interview with a police department in my area baltimore county as a cadet after training. The training i can write 20 college credits off with. I got 40,000 dollars for college and 10,000 cash. I also recieved a 2yr stabilization mobilization where i cant be touched for 2 years so i can get some college out of the way as long as i maintain a 2.0 gpa. I also believe it will make me a more disciplined responsible individual. I mean the bad things that could happened are you could be killed, paralyzed, mutlated, but i took that all into consideration. I basically said to myself joey do you really want to let fear run your life for you. The answer was no!  

  2. In the final analysis there is not a significant difference between a military career and a civilian career.....

    I found a military career better because I was not locked into a boring situation / a stagnant environement.... I or my supervisors would rotate every two to three years.....there were always new people.... If I had a personality clash there was the option of changing jobs without damage..... I knew my benefits / retirement were as stable as my countries government.... I was pretty much guaranteed to be promoted and get periodic pay raises..... I could start my own home business / extra job..... job security.....good health care program.... fringe travel

    all of that is NOT necessarily true in civilian life

    As to the "danger factor"...... in the military you get paid extra as the risk increases..... ever hear of a cop getting "hazardous duty" pay?......or a teacher .......or a postal worker.....they get killed too

    I went to two wars.....and spent most of my career jumping from airplanes.....never thought about any "danger factor".....

    Negatives....?? relatively low pay.....  

  3. Joining.............

    1.Sense of pride

    2.Life Long friends

    3.You learn to fire pretty cool weapons, and learn new skills,including job skills.

    4.People in other democracy's respect American soldiers  

    Not Joining...........

    1.You have a boring civilian job.

    2.You don't get to fire cool weapons

    3.Small sense of pride

    4. You have to work to make a difference, when in the army you have the opportunity too.


  4. Reasons to join:

    1.  Most important:  you want to serve and defend your country

    If number 1 isn't a reason for you, you probably shouldn't join.  Other perks do include:  free healthcare, free training, respect  and education benefits after the military (GI Bill).

    All of those are the reasons I joined.

  5. Worst thing is hurry up and wait.

  6. It was a good job. It allowed me to attend college and to invest a lot, travel and live many places.

    'danger'? I have had more civilians friends die, than I have military friends die. the 'normal' dangers of life as a civilian are ignored, but the dangers are often higher as a civilian.

    I am retired now. Living on my pension and I am in my 40s.

  7. Well i dont know about the other branches, but the marines pretty much own em. When you become a us marine you are something very few people choose to be. It is harder than any of the other services you are expected to do more and you are the first ones in and last ones out. Doesnt matter what anyone says everyone know that is how it goes. While the marines had to help out during the european theater we also had to take on japan by ourselves. so pretty much USMC owns. The benefits to joining is knowing you are the best regardless of the other services. USA could survive without the army or airforce. The Navy is a part of the marines and the marines have our own ground force airforce and naval force which is called the navy... Also knowing that once a marine always a marine USMC for life. Negative factors of not joining you would miss out on an experience of a lifetime. When everyone else is called a civilian you are a Marine. Not very many people can say that. It is all in your blood you were either born to do it or not.
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