
Why kimi's brake light not on?

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In Montreal , Lewis went into Kimi's back but in replay we can see that his brake light( or pit lane light ) is not on .....





  1. its not a brake light, its for hazardous situations such as wet conditions

  2. these cars dont have brake lights LOL

    the rear red light your reffering to only comes on in wet races when vision is poor most recent example is Monaco 2008

  3. The Ferrari rear light wasn't on because Raikkonen had already disengaged his speed limiter before the pit exit light turned red. Kubica hadn't done his at that point, which is why his rear light was still on.

    It was a risky move by Raikkonen, as he hadn't crossed the pit exit line when he switched off the limiter...he could easily have been done for speeding in the pitlane in his attempt to get a tiny advantage over Kubica. You can see that Raikkonen was

    J  U  S  T

    about to floor it when he saw the light change...half a second later and he'd have been away.

  4. Because Lewis crashed into the rear of his car!

  5. Do u want a more silly answer- Light was not on because Kimi had already stopped and realesed his brake, so when u dont press it , it wont glow

  6. Because he was stopped!!!

    Actually the first poster is correct, F1 cars do not have brake lights.  The flashing red light is only activated when on the pit rev limiter( Kimi was stoped at that point) or in bad visibility.

    Basically Hamiliton F%^&ed up, end of story.  He ran into a stationary object.

  7. There is no brake light, there is a flashing light that comes on when the pit lane speed limiter on or in trechorous waeather conditions, dont know if its on but they often become heat affected and fail.

  8. he(ferrari's garage) is too near the pitlane exit and he knows the pitlane red light was flashing so what's the point of turning on your speed limiter if you're going to stop.

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