
Why life clings on me yet I cleave none to it??

by Guest64046  |  earlier

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I've attempted suicides several times but I'm still alive. My major way is to overdose myself on pills. When I was 15, i overdosed on soy n lecithin pills(knowing well i won't die from it, haha)..ok, the much serious overdosing was when i took approx. 60 pills of panadol(when i ws 18).. My last suicide was when I took 16 painkiller pills..(when i ws 19) ok..the result? I was bed-ridden n vomiting greenish/ orangeish, frothy puke every 6 mins in a day times a week...n also having stomach pain..The question is why am I still alive? or should I try any other means..i'm not here for attentions, just for prescription. Don't tell me not to commit suicide, cos i'm tired of it. Just tell me how...




  1. Believe it or not destiny is written on your hand and its not your time yet. I've not tried as many times as you but I've dried deadlier and smarter ways of comitting suicide and learned that it just wasn't meant to be siince I never died. Well, I say what are your problems you have dealt with and are dealing with- please try to give examples so that I can give you the necessary advised to do something smarter than suicide and something different based on the problems. I myself have been a suicidal teen and I have many friends that were. I helped them make their lives a bit better so I want to try and help you too. I'll edit this with a real answer when you give examples as to what you go through and what reasons you tried suicide.

    There is also the fear of dying and the fear of living that may be keeping you strapped like it did a friend of mine since his childhood. He's tried more than 20 suicidal attempts every year under his parents nose trying to get away from the fear of living but the fear of death led him to fail everytime.

  2. Well , why are U commiting suicide dear , O beloved , Morticia , Do u know after how many births , U are getting this Human life , It's 84 million births in various species , & if U are lucky , then U will get birth as a human , I know abrahmic religions are not agreeing to it , but that's true ; Enjoy Ur life , meditate on gods word whichever religion U follow doesnt matters ,

    In case U are an atheist , I have a very beautiful religion for U :

  3. U haven't found the right pills !

  4. You are here for attention, based on the detail of your past attempts (assuming they are true) and because anyone with half a brain can figure out a more reliable method to kill oneself.

    I'm not telling you to not kill yourself. I personally believe that death is the right path for some people. But I am curious to know why you are "tired of it" and have come to the conclusion that death is your best option?

  5. Because it's not your turn yet.

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