
Why like the jonas <span title="brothers??????????????????????????????">brothers?????????????????...</span>

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can someone please tell me why you like te jonas brothers? if you little jonas freaks like them because of looks, then you are still stupid. nick jonas will sound better once he grows some pubes, but it likes like he grew them on his head. joe looks like the guy who plays freakin anakin from star wars, and kevin can only play mainstream on his guitar. big woop. and their music sucks a lot. the only make radio friendly music. it looks like they spend 15 minutes to make all their songs. why do you like them?




  1. why NOT like the jonas brothers?

  2. jonas sisters sucks and i dont know why do girl fans die for does ugly sisters

  3. i do not like them bcuz of thier looks.

    i like thier music and they are super nice!

  4. why ask a question thats ben asked a million times????????????????????

  5. i dont like them. i hate them. and thier stupid annoying fans.

  6. if you dont like them you dont like them theres no need to go on and on about how much you hate them and how bad they are

  7. cuz there g*y!!

  8. Why do you even care why people like them or not ?

    It&#039;s pretty much a waste of your time cause everybody has different tastes in music and I&#039;m sorry that not everyone agrees with you or likes the same things as you..

    I really don&#039;t want to be mean, but that&#039;s life !

  9. because they are all around good people. great role models for kids to look up to. they dont have problems with drugs or drinking, they are just good poeple, making music and really succeeding at it. they are some of the nicest celebrities you&#039;ll ever know of. they didnt let fame get to their head like some other celebs out there.

  10. i don&#039;t. it sounds like u have a good sense in music.

  11. OK, NO FAN LIKE&#039;S THEM  CUZ OF THEIR LOOKS, IF U DO, THEN U R NOT A FAN. I Am a BIG FAN, and i LOVE THEIR MUSIC. I Do think they are Very good LOoking though...

  12. They are nice genuine guys. They are really funny, and i like there music i think it is really good there new album is amazing. A lot of people like critics like them. I don&#039;t know why you people don&#039;t love them. I don&#039;t see anything wrong with them they are amazing.

    Don&#039;t think that i am Little 13 year old i am way older than that.

  13. gross, i cant stand them, theyre music is a disgrace

  14. omg.. this question has been asked a million times.....

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