
Why little Cheat master always challenge umpire decision shamelessly?

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Lol,i am not from SL




  1. what a beautiful Q buddy !

    you made my day by asking such a mesmerising Q !

    i agree with you that Jayawardhana's height is little less , but you shouldn't talk about him like this , he is well raspected cricket ! he does this but its legitimate , so give JayaWardhana the benefit of doubt !

    never judge people ~

    hope it helps!

    god bless!

  2. well he didn't cheat.There were 2 noises of bat and he thought it might be edge of bat.How can you accuse a player respected by all for cheating.He has been given wrongly out on many occasions yet he didn't raise his finger at umpire even when he was given out on 99.

  3. its amazing how Tendulkar asks reviews after PLUM LBW

    he has not been like this when he was young ,by then he was honest

  4. He didn't cheat.

    If he knew he was out, he wouldn't have wasted a review just so that technology could prove he was out.

  5. Dont say anything about LITTLE MASTER...

    He has been HONEST many times before.. He has walked out of the ground even UMPIRE raised his finger...

    There might be some doubt in his mind.. So only he immidiately went for a review...

    Thats it.. Its not CHEATING...

    If it is, then if you ask your doubts to your teacher, IS IT CHEATING?

  6. Tell me more? Who are you talking about?

  7. really i dont except that from srilankans , he has the right to use refferal whenever he feels so , how can u make judge it , he thinks he might have a luck , so whats the problem ,  dilshan is the lucky one who was given not out after being out as shown in reply.

    u mad peoplas dont understand after all u r srilankans and aussies done rightly by throwing eggs on u ugly peoples

  8. whoever you are you are making all the good sri lankan users in this section luk bad....Trust me i know.. 1  indian started ranting in this section and this section suddenly became anti indian.....people like u are a disgrace and have no life....i suggest u ask proper questions and treat sachin with the respect he deserves...

  9. Machaan - Let not be like Indians.

    We are better than that....

    The only thing i can say is Prasada masada bowling is the best & hit sachin's front pad to back back for an LBW.

  10. Respect ! respect ! respect

  11. who r u calling the cheat master is it sachin ????? he is no cheater (i am not an indian fan)

  12. I do criticize Tendulkar for playing even when he is not fully fit and letting down India often.

    But I  don't think it is wrong to ask for a review,there was the doubt of an inside edge which even the commentators told.The snickometer replay was not shown for verification..

  13. Even commentators felt Tendulkar was not out. At least Sachin is not a cheat. He FELT he was not out. or he'd not have wasted a review. He asked IMMEDIATELY.

    DO NOT CALL any INDIAN A CHEAT, please.

    Specially, Sachin.

    Technology is not fool proof. Commentators are still discussing it.

    If all are very sure, SL Captain should be quick to ask for a review, not ponder over it.

    Give people benefit of a doubt.

  14. Don't say that about the great Master - Sachin Tendulkar!

  15. it is Mahela, who is crying like a little kid on the field , last match he got rattled and even strated poking Doctrove and Benson, you again robbed Dravid and why didn't your media show snicko of that tendulkar LBW?

    Lol, you are a jerk, none other than a tiny little stone, lmao at your pathetic rant, do you think you can face pace bowlers, umpires are again helping you out but unfortunately you are no good to pace bowling !

    your shameless Jayawardhana is asking reviews, Indians suffered of the Jaywardhana setting with Doctrove and Benson in last match also ~

    you son of a pig, go and dip yourself in a spoon of water which is more than adequate for you and your SL cricket demeanour, you guys have really tested my patience!

    lol !

    god bless (not)


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