
Why live abroad if you miss UK food products?

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Can't believe that people emigrate and then moan when they can't get this and that. Fact is if you miss British stuff so much....stay in the UK!




  1. We cannot help missing certain foods people from around the world are all the same.My husband has to work abroad in a country were pork is not allowed he misses a lot of british food,mind its not too bad has he takes stuff back.

  2. Anyone away from home misses something about their homeland - son't be so nasty - have a heart.

    I miss the Bison grass Vodka I drank on holiday cos I can't get it in the UK - should I move to Poland?

  3. could you be anymore narrow minded? In answer to your main question hear are a few things that spring to mind

    -to broaden a persons mind

    -to widen their horizons

    -to experience a different culture

    -to meet new people

    -to grow as a person

    -to have an ADVENTURE

    occasionally we might miss a few home comforts. in the grand scheme of things it is really not that important. it is perfectly fine to complain abpout it if we are having a bad day. Being away from home often magnifies the importance of minor things.

    get over it and lighten  up

  4. Assuming you are refering to a previous question which you answered, actually no one was moaning.

    So, if you move to another country you are not allowed to miss things about "home"? I have lived abroad in several countries and have quite happily adapted to that countries way of life. BUT I still missed things about home and when my friends bought me little food packages over of things I couldn't get in that country, I loved it!

    All the person asked is what food they could take to their friend in Spain, things that are difficult/impossible to get over there. Several people answered listing foods that they miss or find they can get but are very expensive. I don't remember anybody moaning.

    My husband is Moroccan and lives in the UK, he often misses his traditional home cooked food, should he go back to Morocco?

    Grow up missy!

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