
Why ll of a sudden Polar Bears re becoming or already endngered???

by  |  earlier

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we had a lot but know they are going endangered. Besides global warming..why is this happening??




  1. Too many condo builders speculating on beachfront property on James Bay. Its cold now but with global warming it'll quickly become a tourist destination.

  2. It's not all of a sudden, it's been slowly happening for years.

    Global warming is reducing Arctic ice.  Polar bears need to hunt food using the ice to move around.  With less ice, they're starving to death.

    The scientific proof is quite extensive, and is summarized and referenced in the "Final Rule" listing the polar bear as threatened by global warming.  That rule is the product of many scientists spending years researching the issue.  Here's the Rule.  You'll need Acrobat Reader (free download) to read it.

    And here's a news story about it.

  3. They are not endangered. We currently have 5 times more polar bears then we had in 1950. We are going to have to start hunting them to lower the population.

  4. Abundance

    Population                                 Estimate              Status

    Foxe Basin (FB)                          2300                     stable

    Southern Hudson Bay (SH)        1000                     stable

    Western Hudson Bay (WH)        1200                     stable

    The general population status of polar bears is currently stable, though there are pronounced differences between the various populations. Some populations are stable, some seem to be increasing, and some are decreasing due to various pressures. The status of some populations is not well documented.

  5. They need to take a bunch of polar's down to antartica and see if they will do good eating pinguins

  6. Sorry but polar bears are literally nowhere near endangerment.

  7. They were placed on the endangered species list because there is speculation that the population could come down. It was more of a precautionary measure.

  8. they are not !animals can sence things us humans cannot and evacuate the location if it fears its being threatend , have you ever noticed how the animals act before a storm ?

    polar bears will be fine.

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