
Why love during just three years??

by  |  earlier

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i heard that..usually.and i'm not sure..for this reason..i'm asking you




  1. ???

  2. Huh???

  3. What???

  4. Your question is vague.  If you mean there was love during the first 3 years of a relationship and not now, maybe you should ask your SO or go to counseling if not too late.  Many relationships have never ending love.  But that takes hard work.  I speak from experience.  In my marriage we drifted apart because we were too busy with work, children, bills, etc. and not enough attention to each other.  Redo your question with more detail.  Hope this helped.  

  5. never heard that before, maybe it is just you?

    JK I really have no clue WTF you are asking.

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