
Why love is so complex for some, i swear its like irritating? they should banish love?

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Why love is so complex for some, i swear its like irritating? they should banish love?




  1. Ok here is the plan.

    We don't banish love.

    Instead we find matches based on interests, life goals, personality and other socio economic factors.

    Then we go into a lap and they implant love into our brains so that we love that person....wouldn't that be easier.

  2. Actually Love is very's relationships that are hard.

  3. ......if it had been under their control, they would have vanished it long back, even at cost of survival of he mankind,

    you birds and animals also love each other, but to talk of humans,

    but humans are greedy and selfish and complicate love and give heart burns they do not know to live life naturally.

  4. Banish love?! h**l NO!!!

  5. Love makes the world go round.

  6. Don't count on it being "banned."  It's part of our "hard-wiring" that came about with natural selection.

    As our prehistoric ancestor's brains got bigger, the mating ritual was no longer run by the season of the year.  Females can bear off spring any time.

    And, along with the larger brain, emotions got more complicated.  Males and females who found each other attractive as mates also developed an attachment like "love" that kept them together, even for a short time.

  7. lol, its complicated, thats true, but  wen u find the right one u no that u will love him n u will probably say the exact oppisite. good luck!

  8. love makes the world go round.

    so why banish LOVE?

  9. Well, bannish is a little harsh maybe, lol.  I have a website that deals with love and relationships stuff like that.  Might be something there you find usesful, if not there are some good links.

    good luck

  10. how do you banish love? impossible.  

  11. Sahthia, I bet that if you looked at love without any misconceptions or experiences, you would not feel as you do. I believe you are having some concerns with love because of the way you look at love.  I have come up with some ways of looking at adoration that might change the way you identify deep affection:

    1.  True love can overcome suffering but not suspicion.

    2.  Love that does not understand the language of sacrifice is not love.

    3.  To love is to make oneself vulnerable.

    4.  When you love, you stop comparing.

    5.  Love makes time pass, and time makes love pass.

    6.  True love cannot be spoken; it can only be acted.

    I can go on but perhaps I have already gone too far.  Hope the above will give you pause to reflect on what love is.  

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