
Why?<..If man evolved from Apes(monkeys)are there still apes(monkeys) around?

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Shouldn't the process of "EVOLUTION"be done with,and there'd be no more primates?IF everything evolved should not there be no more of a certain ,animals or things?All that is good,and just was spoken into existence by God.And he made all things,and saw that what he had made was good.He made Adam from the dust of the ground,and God breathed the living breath(his)into Adam's body.God did not create Adam from an ape.They were already made upon the fifth day of creation.




  1. i dont even want to go there....

  2. Praise the Lord, you are right, and Evolution (in my opinion) is a bunch of nonsense!

  3. The Bible (buy bull) was written by confused tribesmen trying to understand the world around them.

    there are still apes the same way there are still parents.  We evolve they evolved in a different direction.

    If we are god&#039;s perfect design, why do cats have the better eyes?  

    Why do whales have leg bones?

  4. read some Darwin, it explains everything!

  5. You really should read some good books about evolution.  Try Richard Dawson (ignore his anti-religion point of view).  Evolution is a fact.  The best visual is the usual tree.  If you go far enough down toward the trunk you come to the creature from which apes, monkeys and humans descended.  There are many families of creatures on Earth with a similar pattern.  The Crow family has rooks, jackdaws, crows, ravens, etc. all descended from a single family.  The best example is the Cat family.  From small to large you can see the similarity in form and habits,  but all descended from a single ancestor.  To study evolution, even shallowly as I have done, is to believe in it.  Unless your mind is closed.

  6. because- evolution isn&#039;t REAL!! lol. read the bible. that will answer all ur questions!!

  7. evolution is going on exactly as it always has &amp; always will FORGET DARWIN he died more than 100 years ago study todays science, we&#039;ve learned a lot in the last 125 years since darwin died,  see if you can find out why GOD created evolution. use the mind that he gave you.

  8. You do realize that someone else asked this question earlier, and it&#039;s actually still on the same page as this one. In fact, this question gets asked about every day here.

    The short answer is simple to write at least: Evolution doesn&#039;t say that people came from apes. Where did you get that idea?

    EDIT: You can&#039;t honestly claim evolution doesn&#039;t interest you. You&#039;re the one asking questions about it! At the very least, a quick review of what evolution actually is might keep you from making blindingly ignorant assumptions.

  9. So evolution should just stop now?  Now that humans are here?

    There are so many things wrong with that that I actually give up.  You need to read at least 3 books by Stephen Jay Gould to even understand what is wrong with that statement.

    As for xians believing in evolution, Genesis 1 and 2 are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Wake up. There are millions of xians that don&#039;t take Genesis literally.

  10. Well, believe what you want to... I won&#039;t try to force too much logic on you here but... if this was the case, then how come there are so many different varieties of animals such as dogs, cats, insects, spiders, fish, etc.? Wouldn&#039;t the same be true for them? So then there would only be one kind of dog, one kind of cat, one kind of fish, etc. For that matter, wouldn&#039;t there only be one kind of monkey as well?

    If you want to have blind faith and believe in creationism... that is your loss. I prefer to be open minded and find the truth. Either your one book is right, or thousands upon thousands of scientists are right. I will trust science before a book written by men (not god) 2000 years ago.

  11. Wrong, we did not evolve from apes or monkeys but we do have a common ancestor that evolved into humans and monkeys therefore monkeys are our cousins.

  12. stop trying to twist the bible to fit your own agenda.  &#039;creationism&#039; is a commercial scam perpetrated on gullible literalists.

  13. first of all, apes and monkeys are two entirely different species.

    And humans, or Homo Sapien Sapiens, are within the same family of species as primates. Cnimps share about 96% of our genetic code...that&#039;s how close we are. Only a few strands are flipped here and there.

    The theory of Evolution is NOT that we evolved from apes. It says that we share a COMMON ANCESTOR...then took two different paths of evolution. It&#039;s not that different, seeing as there is only a 4% difference in our genetic codes.

    Monkeys have NOTHING to do with it. Apes and monkeys are two different species, and we did not come from either of them...that&#039;s a common misconception. We SHARE an ancestor. And have perfect proof that we do. It&#039;s all the archaeological record. There are only a couple very small missing pieces now.

  14. Since you all post the same questions... I&#039;m just gonna post my same answer....(sorry to those who have read it b4)....

    Lets say that a group of humans are sent to Mars and get stuck there for generation and generations(hypothetically speaking)... This group would be away from the rest of humanity...and-so when a mutation occurs in the Martian-humans, that mutation would have a likelier chance of being passed down through out the population more quickly than it would be on the Earth-humans (because there are millions and millions of earth humans).

    Now, lets say that in Mars enough mutations occur (after hundreds or thousands of generations) to make them a different species of human (meaning, they can no longer mate with an earth-human and produce children).

    That doesn&#039;t mean that Earth-humans disappear... it just means that the Mars-humans are a different species.

    That is why there are apes and monkeys and humans. Because Humans are just a different type of Ape then the ones that exist now.

    BTW: The apes that we derive from no longer exist.

  15. LOL no comment.

  16. evolution DOES NOT state that man evolved from apes!  please educate yourself about a theory before criticizing it or deciding that it is wrong.  there is scientific evidence that modern humans &amp; modern apes &amp; monkies all evolved from a common prehistoric ancestor. like branches of REALY complicated family tree.

    i am a Christian, but i do not believe in the literal interpretation of the STORY of creation.  it is a parable, as is much of the old testament.  nor do i believe that a man named Jonah actually lived inside a whale.  or that Noah collected 2 of every species of animal on the planet &amp; put them on a really big boat.

    it is unimportant to believe that the stories are LITERAL, what is important is the message the stories were told to teach.  let&#039;s not forget that Jesus OFTEN spoke &amp; taught in parables.  why should we belive the rest of the bible is not full of them as well?

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