
Why marrying very young girl in the Middle East countries is still widely practice

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just because that those girl has experience period doesn't mean that she is fit to married. From your point of view Is the culture still relevant in today modern world. Why it's not consider haram/illicit. It should be Haram. Why the Muslim leader/Imam/Ayatolah doesn't voice out this problem and just keep silence




  1. look

    islam strictly condemns forced marriages

    lets come  back to modern world here in the USA normally a girl loses virginity at 8 or 9 (stats)


    according to wkikipedia

    1out of every 6 women in USA only have experinced rape or an attemped rape

    in islamic countries this did not happen coz they followed islamic teachings

    Besides, there are usually laws in Muslim countries, forbidding marriage of young girls and boys.

    But come to the real question: What are u people doing to prevent the little girls from losing their virginity in ur countries?

  2. 1.Marrying a very young girl in the middle east countries is till practised but not widely because they have a higher education

    2.A young girl who has monthly period or menstruation usually  varying since age 9 upto 12 years old is in line with Qur'an and hadits and it is not haram in Islam

    3.Marrying very young girl is the habit in remote villages  because of poor condition and low education and it is not the monopoly of ME countries.There are olso in the remote areas of non muslim countries

    4.In muslim countries adultery and fornication (zina) is not allowed  althoughthe related man and woman like each other and if it is done they (man and woman) will be punished by stone throwing until died for married man and woman and by whipping 100 times and be exiled for 1 year for unmarried man and woman.

    5.Marrying young girl in Islam is halal and it is a personal right that is protected by syaria law as long as they can afford it and without force

    6.It is not a problem  or criminal bad doing of islamic society  member so it is let to be happened by the government and ulamas or muslim leaders as long as it is in line with syaria

    7.In western countrires zine is not controlled,supervised and punished by the gpovernment because they did not regulate it if they do not disturb others and they like free s*x without force. So they are so many young girls and boys have s*x experience without  married and punishment and their moral are bad and there are many of them have hiv/aids disease and abortions(killing) without punishment too..

  3. so the practice of marrying young girls (which is rare by the way, not as prevalent as your money hungry media makes it out to be).. anyway you think the practice is bad when its OK for thousands of western men to rape young women, kidnap and put into prostitution rings, commit adultery, have thousand of illicit affairs outside marriage, have trial run pre marital s*x to pick and choose the best "hole" before marriage... to you this is much better than legally binding marriage of a young girl?.... Where is the world's logic coming from?

  4. I don't agree that marrying young girls is widely practiced in the Middle East.  Maybe you should provide statistics or proof of this claim.  I live in Saudi Arabia, and I haven't met any Saudis who were married younger than 17 years old and I haven't heard of any cases here where young girls were forced to get married at a young age.

    I agree with you that just because a girl gets her period doesn't mean she's ready for marriage.  In fact, my husband and I were discussing this in the car tonight.  A lot of people criticize the Prophet Muhammad for marrying a young girl of 9 years old (Aisha); however, they fail to look at the difference between our life now and how life was 1400 years ago.  Now, we put our children in school and expect them to get a formal education before being mature enough to take on the real life.  Before, there wasn't much of a formal education system.  Most people had a lot of children to work on their farm or in their family business.  The boys learned from their fathers while the girls learned from their mothers.  Both boys and girls matured much faster (not saying physically).  If you look at the US, it wasn't that uncommon for girls of 12 years old to get married less than 100 years ago.  In fact, my grandmother got married when she was 12 years old to a 25 year old man.  That was probably about 70 years ago in the US.  (I'm American and a revert btw, so pls don't assume I'm arab since I live in Saudi.)  My grandmother was ready to take on that responsibility.  I'm not sure whether or not she had her period even before getting married, but that's not the point.  The point is, she was very young...much younger than what would be socially acceptable today.

    As a muslim today, I would be upset hearing about a young boy or girl getting married.  I don't think it's acceptable based on how we live our lives in today's time.  I would however allow my daughter to get married before finishing high school IF I felt that she's truly ready and IF we found a suitable boy for her (and he wouldn't be too much older than her...max 10 years, and I don't even know if I'd be comfortable with 10 yrs older.) and she has to finish high school of course (and I hope for her to go to college too.)  For my boys, I would allow them to marry before finishing high school, and I'd be willing to support him, but he would still need to go to college, etc. so he can support his own family.

  5. Because they're very ignorant and they're SCARED because god forbid the girl is smart or knows her rights/stands up for herself lol and of course it varies in cultures but thankfully that's not practiced in all muslim cultures anymore. In many Islamic cultures they have a certain age for marriage (16 n over) it's the law now. But honestly i dun have a problem with this whole young age thing but it would be really disgusting n scary if the girl is like 13 n da guy is like 30 but if the couple are close in age then it's no problem for me

  6. Hi Jedi!!!

    ape kene mengena kawin ngan budak ngan bulan ramadan???

    PEACE =D

  7. Who has given authority to question the beliefs and practices of other societies.  Do you think Muslims  are questionable to your western society. We Muslims don't find western societies the perfect from all kinds of faults and corruption, illicit s*x, pre-marital pregnancies, abortions and illigitimate children.    We can list lost of bad things in west.  But it is useless to  start a new topic.  It doesn't interest me.  I know there are many good things in west also.  But there are more good things in Islamic societies than in western societies.  

    If I ask you why in west parents allow their young daughters to go out with young boys on date knowing that they will do s*x.

    Don't  they have any shame?  What will be your answer?

    If I ask such a question, it will only cause hatred for Muslims but ways of your society will not change.  They will continue sending their daughtes on date for ever.

    Muslims live in western societies only because they get more money for their work, just like lots of western people live and work in middle east  for more money for their work, no income tax, furnished houses .and return airline tickets with longer vacations than given by any western country.

  8. Why?  Because there are pedophiles in every country, nation, culture, religion, etc.  Yes it should be outlawed, but many Muslims still live by archaic laws that were in practice 1400 years ago and have not evolved into decent human beings that realize children should not be involved in a sexual relationship whether they've had their period or not.  I seriously doubt that any of he Muslims here who condone these actions would let their little girl marry a dirty old man who is only interested in children.  My personal opinion is that this is the most abominable behavior still in practice among Muslims who don't find it disgusting,  Anyone who participates in such a practice should be put in prison.  Any parent who allows this should also be put in prison and the child removed from that home and environment and placed somewhere that people will protect them from such evil.

  9. Those who posted this type of comments here, should better know that every society has their own culture, value and norms.Other should respect it or if he/she doesn'tt able to do so then should left alone.

    You people are simply son of devil. You always try to ignore the shiny part of Islam. I don't know why. May be you r so jealouss about the good part of Islam.

    Marriage is the social bond to keep a society free from  deterioration. What willyouu answer me when a teenage girl having s*x with a sixty up old man in the western country.

    Don't make us angry. Find out your own fault and wait for the disaster. Storm is coming. It's the matter of time.  

  10. No clue seriously , I wonder why they do that , today in news, I read that a 11 year old boy was giving out invitations to his classmate for his wedding to his 10 year old cousin sis.. OMG!

    This took place in Saudi, but then it was stopped by the goverment or something.. due to very young age..

    But it aint haram, it just will cause side effects on the young couple, for example if the girl gets pregnant, she isnt ready for it at such a young age ..

    and plus they arent financially stable..

  11. Yes it was the practice of male dominated soceity, still in many sexual assault or rape case it is upon teen agers. s*x rackets concentrate on teens. they dont want very aged ladies.

    this is the case and marrying younger is not haram, and the soceity until very recent considered having a young wife as a credit.

    as slavery disappeared this will alos disappear.

    some soceities creeping other running fast

    In near future as more women are getting educated this will disappear.

    what is age to engage in s*x?

    I read as young as 10 years old getting abortion in west?

  12. If ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) did not intend for women to get married, he wouldn't let them keep getting their period at 10 or 9 years old.  Some girls are getting their periods as young as 8, even in the West!  This is due to all the hormones and chemcials put into our food supplies.  No one knows better then ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala).  Girls are perfectly able to bear children and give birth at 10 years old.  You see girls doing it all the time in the USA, girls having s*x at 10 and giving birth at 11 years old and they don't die.  

  13. Why don't u ask the west who child abuse 5,6,7,8,9,10 year olds, that  fine?Here a girl is marrying a man but out in the west a 13- old is getting pregnant from her 17 year old boy friend & a child is born with out a father taking responsibility, coz how can they get married they r still young they have a life to enjoy rite? Then who is asking them to have s*x in the first place? Be4 picking on others think of ur self or u will always be a center of bomboardment.

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