
Why me lord... i dont deserve this... help?

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After loosing my baby 4months ago at 32 weeks due to his stress en ended up having high blood pressure he is still stressing me.

4Days ago we had a fight just coz he started cheating AGAIN {i have 4given him twice meeting his women with evindence ,,even to an extend of getting infection yyeah its stupid i tryed to save tthe marriage }so i confronted him where he slapped me en hit me on my head where my still pains.

That morning went away in the after crying the whole night ,he took the door key to the house en refused to give me my cloths .

Now i am staying with my cousin en he has sent so may ppl to talk to me saying he is sorry but i have decided never ever to go back,after sending about 10pp including his brothers i said no en not again ,.

He went mad en today he has send an sms in the morning just saying he has thrown all my things outside the door so i go en get them ,i am so confused am at work,i cant leave we are too bussy here , its a mess i have no apartment yet ,..

What should i do ,why did he do that its so inhuman ,i have bought so much in the house WITH MY OWN MONEY and i know he has not removed all my things .

Now my question is,should i go and pick the things those which are ouside the door or call the copes .or wait till he is in the house so that i can pick all my thing coz i need all my things not just cloths,.

I am so confused i cant concentrate at work please help.

Married for 1en half yrs .

I am 25 he is 31..




  1. You need to get a divorce from him.He is no good for you at all...IF you do need to pick up your things go with atleast 2 other people,dont go alone because he might hurt you.Im really sorry that you lost your baby.Everything happens for a reason.You will find someone better who will treat you like all women should be treated like QUEENS.good luck!!!

  2. Well Some states have a law like the one I live in that says that he can not kick you out. But since you have no choice but to leave and you have lived there it makes it your home and you can call the police and anything you want to take out of the home is yours because he can not prove it is not. A friend just went through that with her daughter in law moving out. You have to tell them that it is a dispute where you have decided to leave because you are affraid he is going to harm you. In that situation you can fill out the papers for an EPO which states that he can not contact you or come with in so many feet as well as he can not send a message to you.  

  3. You have forgiven him twice like a ding dong. What did you expect was going to happen!?! He doesn't care for you, so get your stuff and leave.

  4. Wait untill he gets home, then call him, tell him that you want all your stuff. If he seems reluctant, then call the cops. But you know him better, do you think he's going to give up all your things? The most important thing is, you have to break up with him for good, and start to concentrate on your job. The stuff you bought, you can buy it again some day. Your job is more important.

  5. He is scaring you by saying that he is throwing out your belongings. He knows you want them back, and it is the only way you would "go back". Don't do it because it is a trap! You would get your stuff and he'll beg you for forgiveness, making you soft hearted and stay.

    If you really need to get your stuff, get a person you really trust and can protect you (like a strong family member). Do not allow him to come close and refuse to speak to him. Its the best bet of not letting him abuse you emotionally and physically ever again.

    I really admire your willpower and your strength. You are a strong woman. Do not go back to him no matter what!

  6. he IS abusing you,

    leave him and call the cops

  7. If I was you I would pick up my stuff and never turn back. Make sure you go with someone. He is a scum. He does not deserve any woman and not woman like you that wanted to have family with him. What an azz. You'll be just fine. You are so young. Don't worry. You'll get settled. Don't get stuck with him. Good luck.

  8. Take a deep breath.  You know what you have to do, 'cause this guy is a bottom feeder for many reasons.

    DO NOT GO TO THE HOUSE ALONE!  You need witnesses and you need protection.  Call the police and have them go with you as this man is dangerous and will probably hurt you.  Get your things and  don't look back.  End this marriage for everyone's sake.  

  9. You work and contribute to the home & you have a right to half of everything should you divorce, you must take legal action for he has treated you very badly, cheated on you, abused you, you have good grounds to leave and I think that you should never go back as no woman deserves this kind of treatment.

    Try to get your belongings if you can, call the cops if this helps but don't be sweet talked back into a bad marriage; the chances of him changing are nil, they always say they will change & after a short time it's back to the same, he doesn't deserve you.  

  10. I lost my baby at 23 weeks last October and now my blood pressure is so high now they want me on treatments.  I can say my husband stressed me a lot because he didn't want to have kids in our mid-middle class income, but he did not do as your husband has done.  My greatest advice to you is to see that even his crude behavior is in control of the Universal plan to push us into being the greatest whole individuals we can be.  This insight requires that you accept that your heart hurts but you are still intact and powerful to change your now and your future and obviously he is not supposed to be a part of it.  Take joy that you were given such an obvious sign that you deserve better than the life you had with him.  Some women never get that realization. Obviously the love in the world wanted you to have a clear understanding of what is and is not love so that you could be more apt to release the power of your own love within yourself and outward to others. You passed this challenge, move on and let the universe teach him the lessons he needs to learn.  You are on to greater and bigger things now.  MOVE ON WITH JOY

  11. Tell him if he threatens or damages your goods, you will call the police for harassment and you're in the process of getting an attorney to sue.

    And back up your words or this bully will just keep going.

    Don't answer any other questions, cut him off.

    One guy bugged the sheeet out of me until i went to the local PD to make a report of the incident. The cop was nice enough to call him and tell him to stop! That scared him. Not all cops are cool though, sometimes you have to try to get the right one (right shift).

  12. Call police to go with you to pick things up. File police report on what they saw. Go to a lawyer and Take EVERYTHING. He deserves no pity. Then find yourself a man who you can have a baby with who can love you both the right way.

  13. Call the Police. Get all your things out of the house, and RUN and never look back  

  14. i say he is an insecure lil worm. it makes him feel big and important to belittle and hurt  you.  most of the time  these men are  unhappy with their place in life at this time. go on about your business. let the next female have that problem. he will not change.  if he does it will be long enough to get you back. i say just  walk away. let him have what ever. you will get it again or  take the police  with you and get everything at once. but no matter how much you care keep going do not let him back in your life.

  15. Maybe you should talk to your boss about your situation. Explain whats going on, that you're going through a bad divorce, might call the cops for abuse, just lost a child etc. Just be honest. Let your boss know whats going on, chances are they'll want to help out. See if s/he'll let you off for the night.

    If you have actual evidence that he hit you (bruises for example) then call the cops.

    When you go through the divorce, you can demand your things back if you can prove that you purchased them.

    I'd call the cops anyway, just so they have this for the record.

    Either way get rid of the guy. He sounds like a real jerk.

  16. This guy is cheating on you, lying to you and just generally treating you like the c**p at the bottom of his shoe.  And - here comes the unbelievable part - you are putting up with this and keep taking him back.

    Sorry, sweetie, you deserve everything you're getting.  Nothing is going to change here unless YOU change it.

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