
Why meditate? With a history of over 5000 years, meditation has been a tool that has been used humanity to find peace and balance.

by Finn Joseph  |  11 years ago

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Why meditate? With a history of over 5000 years, meditation has been a tool that has been used humanity to find peace and balance.

 Tags: 5000, balance, history, humanity, meditate, meditation, peace, tool



  1. Samuel Peregrine

    Learning to breathe

    It seems incredible, but most humans do not know how to breathe and one of the first benefits of meditation is precisely learn how. Meditation will induce you to focus on your breathing, so your mind becomes more tranquil and relaxing.

    Creation of Antibodies

    Antibodies are those cells essential for you to have good health and Dr. Richard J. Davidson and his collaborators at the University of Wisconsin , conducted a study which found that people who devote some of their time to meditate, they had a better immune system.

    A healthy heart

    Every day thousands of heart attacks occur around the world and it is clear that no heart can not survive. Meditation can help you to have a healthy heart as it lowers high blood pressure, reduces the constriction of blood vessels and reduces the thickening of the coronary arteries.

    Better relationships

    When you begin to meditate a profound change occurs within you, because meditation helps you discover who you really are and that leads you to create better self-esteem. Being at peace with your own self, you can see others on the same page, which helps you to have a better relationship with everyone around you.

    Memory Development

    In the hustle of daily life, many details you can go overlooked, because when trying to cover so much information, really do not put all your attention on anything. Meditation teaches you to concentrate and so disconnect from the stress around you. This way it will be easier to remember the precise moment the information you need.

    Learning to relax

    How many times do you wake up in the morning more tired than the night before? Learn to rest is not so simple and meditation will help eliminating the bad habits of physical stress. When you meditate and you are fully aware of your body, you can identify those points where you accumulated stress during the day and prevent you rest at night are.

    Fighting depression

    Depression is a disease that spreads more every day in the world, so it should be clear that when it reaches a certain level and is very deep, it is always recommended to go with a specialized doctor. However, regular meditation can help fight depression by increasing levels of certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which are mood stabilizers.

    Help to quit addictions

    Generally addictions are a way to evade the human being. Like depression, in severe cases, medical intervention is necessary, however regular meditation helps speed the process. Recognizing during meditation all wealth is in the same being, the way to a mental, emotional and physical peace away from any kind of addiction begins.

    Reduce stress levels

    Many diseases and problems of daily life are caused by stress. The body responds to each frequency of brain waves, so if the brain is stressed, the body reflects that. However when the brain goes into a relaxed and calm state through meditation, it transmits its power through the rest of the body.

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Finn Joseph


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