
Why men have to pay for allimony?

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By allimony I mean the payment that you have to give to your ex-wife, to pay for her living costs.

Consider this, you get divorced after 5 years, and then you have to pay someone to live comfortably for the rest of her live? When this money also will go to pay for her dating other men, and buy gifts for other men, and buy party clothes, possibly go on vacation with other men, also perhaps will go to paying other men expenses, if she's into man whores. I mean when two people get divorced that's it. She should get half of the community wealth, and that's it.

What do you all think?




  1.    Alimony is an outdated concept that is very rarely used today.  The only time a woman gets alimony is if she is disabled and can not care for herself, or if the ex husband is extremely wealthy.  And men get alimony from rich wives, so get your facts straight.

  2. Sometimes it's the woman who pays the alimony. Are children involved? Depends on what state granted the divorce. Often these days alimony payments are only for a certain number of years, or until the ex-spouse married again.

  3. Man whores!  LOL

    I think it's a bunch of c**p too.  Why would a woman not want to get a frickin job?  I can't imagine having so little self respect that I would expect an ex to pay for me.  I believe all able bodied adults with or without children should work if they want to eat.  Just my opinion, totally ready for the stay at home moms to give me a thumbs down:)

  4. I think some stay at home women should get if for a certain period of time only.  It depends on how long they have been married and what type of job skills she has.  But I think it should be temporary.  Otherwise she will have to possibly live off the government and that isn't fair to everyone else who had nothing to do with the marriage.

  5. I completely agree.  That's why I'm making my future wife sign a prenuptial agreement before we tie the knot, and what you just said will DEFINITELY be a clause in that agreement.

    This is the 21st century.  Women have just enough power as men, and can do the same amount of work (to a certain extent).  I was raised by a single mother who was denied welfare after a certain point.  Now she has her own house, a car, and decent paying job and a TWO small side businesses.  She's an immigrant, with barely any education/skills, and she's doing fine for herself.  And on top of all that she's a WIDOW!  She hardly ever worked while my dad was alive, and now we're better off than when my dad WAS ALIVE.  So beat that with a stick!

    If a woman decides to leave her husband, she'd better have a financial plan for herself, otherwise she's no better than a gold-digging w***e.  If she can defend herself to get alimony, she doesn't need your money, she's just lazy.

    If I were you I'd get a private detective and an accountant to investigate where that money is going, produce evidence of a paper trail, and present it to a judge.  I'd take that ***** down.  All the way to DOWNTOWN!

  6. It's not only men... my friend pays her ex alimony... cause she made more... even though the pig cheated on HER!  And if your atty has any common sense, the paperwork will read that alimony will end upon her remarrying or after X amount of years...

  7. You can always claim alimony on your taxes especially if you are in a higher tax rate this may actually end up benefiting you.  Paying alimony may suck, but if that was what was decided by the court, than there isn't much you can do about it.  So quit whining and try to think of how you can turn the money you spend on alimony in such a way to be beneficial to you.

    BTW, if you pay your spouse alimony, that also means she has to pay more in taxes.

    And a pre-nup doesn't always guarantee that you won't pay anything.  You could've had a stupid lawyer who drafted your pre-nup and she could have a savvy lawyer who can find loop holes in the pre-nup in which will bring you back to square 1.

  8. I agree with you completely.  A grown woman should be able to take care of herself.  Granted everyone is entitled to half the assets when you get divorced.

    Alimony is just a glorified welfare check.  

  9. I agree that alimony is kind of out dated in today's society. But typically whichever spouse made the most income is the one who pays alimony and statistically that's the guy, but I had a female cousin who had to pay alimony to her slacker ex-husband. So it does go both ways.

  10. I think they want you to pay alimony to your ex in order to give  you lesson that marriage is a BIG DEAL and  should be thought about first before getting into it. So next time you plan to marry again .. you'll think 7000 times :-)

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