
Why mentally challenged people do not treat "normal" people as nice?

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I've realize there were something going on with the mentally challenged people saying they don't treat "normal" people as nice.They think normal people are too hard and too difficult to get along with cause they do not know how to get along with the challenged people. Do you think this is true?




  1. You are overgeneralizing. There is no proof what so ever that mentally challenged people have specific behaviors towards normal people. Your own experience is not enough of a sampling of mentally retarded people to use to make such a statement.

    I would hesitate to make generalizations about people. Every person is unique, including people with mental retardation.

  2. I wouldn't say they don't treat so called normal people nice.  From what I have seen so called normal people can be very nasty to mentall challenged people.  You need to remember mentall challenged people don't have the same thinking and reasoning skills a so called normal person does.  Nor the social skills, verbal skills, or educational skills.  So do I think this is true, NO.

  3. because mentally challenged people are NOT unnice like normal people are, normal people have difficulties, which makes it hard for them to get along with a person who is  mentally challenged.

  4. I think a lot of mentally challenged people do not have the social skills to feel comfortable around others.  Maybe it is easier to avoid situations that are stressful to them, or they have been made fun of most of life.

  5. this is a false assumption being the parent of a child who attends a state school for the severly handicapped this is so wrong they do not treat all "normal" people mean they simply treat the person the way they are treated and here is a question to you what is normal.

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