
Why mexican immigrants don't learn english like the other immigrants do?

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I'm from Spain,and i always tried to learn english because is the languaje of the country where i live.But the mexicans that i know,live in this country for years,and they don't speak a word.Why?




  1. They are to busy working, cuz think! The time when they are going to spend on learning new language they can work at some quick paying (cash) job. It's not as they are lazy or something, they are just hard working people. Although, I've known some Mexicans at my work and they always used to talk Spanish with each others.

  2. Well.. my parents are mexican and they speak perfect english.. they've been here for over 25years. but uh yeah the ones that don't learn are usually the Stereotypical mexican that do your yard, have 5 kids and can barely read and speak their own language let alone a foreign one, and remember most immigrants are from rural areas and have almost no education. The well educated/good looking mexicans (that usually know proper english) usually have no reason to leave mexico.  

  3. Mainly because they are not required to  

  4. Your statement is untrue.  You are generalizing that all mexican immigrants do not attempt to learn English.  If you think that the only Mexicans that you come in contact are all or most mexican immigrants, think again. There many Mexicans that don't come accross you and speak great English some of the many successful mexican immigrants like myself not only speak English but learned it in Mexico prior to coming to the US.

  5. Mexicans have a large base in the USA, so it's easy for Mexican immigrants to move into neighborhoods with their own people.  Also, they often get jobs in places where everyone else speaks Spanish.  

  6. lazy.? I dont know.

  7. Because everything in this country is made for their convenience. Now americans have to learn spanish just so Mexicans can understand. It is pathetic. Mexicans are taking advantage of American hospitality. Plus some of them are too thick headed to learn English.  

  8. They don't bother because when they make enough money they are going back to mexico to be rich mexicans.

  9. They are usually the older ones. They have to work their *** off to live in the US and education isn't free to them.

  10. because they are busy cutting grass and picking up leaves

  11. They are too worried about get deported, so they are always hiding.

  12. Well with bi-lingual schools, and all govt and non-gov't forms printed in english, and instructions on food,clothing,essentials in spanish why do the Mexicans need to learn english. Simply put..they have no need to learn english.

  13. This points to the difference between Mexican/Central American immigrants and why they are perceived with a hostility as outsiders.  Other immigrants are separated from their countries and cultures, and are clearly going to assimilate, while imparting some of their culture to the big mix.  Hispanics, however, are in much closer contact with their original culture, and feel little pressure to assimilate.  Also, by weight of numbers and settlement patterns, they've imported a "critical mass" of their culture, so there is less and less need for them to assimilate, and they have more power to push the established culture to change to accommodate them (Spanish language on forms, etc).

  14.      As an Adult and College ESL(English as a Second Language)Instructor, I too have wondered about this.  Some former students have mentioned that they believe this land (USA) to truly be their native land, and so learning English is not so critical for them.  

         Others, such as my immigrant husband, say that it is usually immigrants from rural areas, poor and uneducated labor workers that  immigrate to the US.  I have also taught medical terminology to doctors and nurses from Mexico, and they have said much the same--usually uneducated poor immigrants come to this country, for the rich and educated have no need to.

         As for my opinion, I believe that this country caters to Spanish-Speaking People as opposed to other immigrants, and this is not equality at its best.  :   (

         Again this information is some of what I have heard.

          Hope this is helpful!


  15. Like the other guy said, we make it so they don't have to learn is why

  16. The government makes it easy for them to do everything in Spanish, so they have no incentive to learn and use English.

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