
Why might a company choose to focus on the beauty of more "realistic" women in its campaigns?

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Why might a company choose to focus on the beauty of more "realistic" women in its campaigns?

A. By focusing on more "realistic" women, it can create a more positive image of feminine beauty

B. By marketing to women who feel underrepresented, it can tap into a new market and make more money.

C. All of the above are correct.

D. None of the above are correct.




  1. c

    a major factor in making a purchasing decision is how well a consumer relates to a product. by focusing on a more realistic view of women, more women may relate to the product.

  2. C

    All of the above are correct. I sell Make Up to women, and when I can relate to them, they seem to buy more. I have also realized that I am more willing to buy products that have more "real women" models, instead of the skinny unatainable barbie image models. Women like to be able to relate to what they are buying, thats just how they are.

  3. I believe the correct answer to be C.

    Beauty is an aspirational quality. Women desire to look like the models and actresses they see on television and in the newspaper. At the same time, however, some women may feel that the beauty represented in certain ads is unattainable for them: they don't have perfect faces or perfect bodies. So, by using "average" women to market beauty products or fashion items, a marketer could provoke the average woman to think "Hey, that could be me." As you  state in your question, this could represent a huge untapped market. Also, as the "average woman" sees and hears these ads, they might come to think more favorably towards an advertiser who they feel understands their personal plight.

    I think this is part of the reason why Weight Watchers utilizes women like Kirstie Alley to market their product, rather than a A-list celebrity who might have less need for the product and would therefore be a less credible spokesperson.

    Gawd, I like to ramble, don't I?

  4. Well, C -- all are "correct" but neither is the best answer.  The best answer is that it is more believable.  Women who see the realistic model can believe that the product will make them that attractive and believe the product is meant for them.

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