
Why mom have lack of understanding?

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I got back from the hospital and I managed to get a diagnose of Anxiety Disorder.

They wrote what I said about high school principal yelling at me that happen about 8 months ago. It wasn't the yelling, it was said and it has hurt me. Spending almost everyday listen to for 8 months worth of trash that my high school principal said to me.

My mom totally misunderstood and thought it have to do with the yelling. It REALLY have to do what was said.

Why mom have to lack of understanding when come to problem? Why do I feel that I can't listen to everything to what my mom say?




  1. If your mom cannot understand what was said to you by the principal,

    write down the conversation that took place.

    Talk to your school guidance counselor about how your mom finds it hard to understand you.   Maybe your mom could come in for an appointment and the counselor could help open up the channels to communication between you and your mom.  Get some help with this.  

  2. people misunderstand each other all the time. instead of being upset with her for not getting it, about the yelling vs what was said, maybe ask why you can't just explain to her what she misunderstood

    if you can do it, it will help you now and in the future with other people- it's called Communicating, yes?

    good luck

  3. Get her to listen. Yell if you have to. My mother is very arrogant and stubborn but she makes it seem as if she didn't understand. You have to be harsh sometimes and get them to listen whether you're talking or yelling. I know it sounds mean but she's your mother and she's supposed to be there for you.

  4. Your mother must have listened to you to allow you to go to hospital and gain a diagnoses.  Try talking with her properly about what happened and dont get upset if she needs things to be clarified for her so that she knows what you are talking about.

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