
Why more and more teens are getting depression nowadays ?

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I have been wondering why...

Now adays more and more teens are commiting suicide because of depression ?

I have to write a report on this...

What are the causes , the factors that causes depression ?

Eg : Relationships ? Studies ?

How do we face depression ?

How do we battle depression ?

How do we help people with depression ?

Please help by answering !

Hope its gonna be long !

Oh! 10 points for the longest, best(est) answer !





  1. I am a Karate instructor. I see allot of young people come in and they are depressed and have low self esteem. As they go thru our program they gain more confidence and a sense of achievement. They practice and learn meditation and they feel better about themselves. They really get involved physically and mentally. Overall mind, body workout. It's great to see these young people evolve into positive examples for other young people. Good luck.

  2. Maybe one of the biggest reasons would be the media.  Teens see this and think that is how society thinks they should act, dress, look and so on.  They see billboards, magazines, movies, tv shows that show girls and yes guys dressing, looking and acting a certain way and people fall all over them and then in turn, they think that is how they need to dress and act to get "popular" and have tons of friends.  

    It also could be that more and more pressure is put on them in school to do well and get into a really good college after highschool.  I know that kids now days are getting so much more homework now then I did in school and the stuff is getting harder and harder so kids are struggling to keep up.  I know my 4th grader was getting schoolwork that I didn't even first start learning about in maybe 8th grade.  My 5th grader now going into 6th grade, was learning stuff that I didn't start learning until highschool.  How do they expect kids to keep up and not get frustrated when they are learning things in school that is way out of their league and too tough for them to understand or grasp.  

    Peer pressure is another thing.  Kids in school now days cant even dress or act a way that they want to without getting bullied by others their own age.  If you are too thin or too overweight, they get picked on and bullied not only by kids their own age but those that are older and younger.  If kids don't dress a certain way or hang out with the "in crowd" they are bullied.  I could go on and on.  

    No wonder kids now days are getting so stressed out and becoming more and more depressed.  They have to deal with so much and are too young and inexperinced on how to handle it all.  

  3. Probably the biggest reason is the media, which influences peer pressure, they'll have near impossible ideals that teens feel they need to follow or they'll become a definite failure.

    We face depression by taking part of our community, we see life how it really is, some people are this or that, that people can be different and get along just fine. We need to be open and realize we can love ourselves for who we are.

  4. The causes are numerous. A very short list:

    1. Environmentally--parents spend less quality time with their children than ever before.  

    2. Biologically:  The human race is growing in number, and so are the probabilities of the genetic inheritance behind mood disorders.

    3. Magnesium taken away from bread since the 1970s, replaced by bromide. That has led to exponential rises in mood and anxiety disorders. Also, lowered consumption of oily fish. Japan has the lowest depression rates in the world,  and their fish consumption is the highest.

    4. Undiagnosed food allergies, the number one cause of mood disorders, becoming pandemic.

    5. Chemicals in our bodies, manufactured fake foods, and ironically, an over-prescribing of medications can s***w up the body.

    6. An increase in financial stress throughout larger portions of society.

    7. Anxiety disorders, with 50% of sufferers reporting significant depression.

    Battling depression depends on controlling as many known factors as possible. Bi polars, for example, have allergies to milk and eggs (raises hand) 80% of the time, compared to 8% of the general population. Avoiding any foods with milk or eggs is a must.

    Folks with significant amounts of anxiety (like bi-polars) have reduced amount of B Vitamins in their blood. They burn it fast.

    Abusive environments require assertive training and other attempts to reach out to people that energize you rather than drain you.

    Sunlight is a must, at least 100,000 lux a day every day! This is especially, but not exclusively, related to bipolar depression.

    Medications for those that need a bit more--antidepressants, anti psychotics  (which in low doses promote anti-anxiety help), and anti-anxiety medications.  Self-medication will not work.

    For milder cases, an exercise program or a simple walk in decent sunlight, talking to a comforting person, may stabilize. For harder cases, a trip to a good doctor may be recommended, as long as the other factors are not ignored.

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