
Why most baldheaded are men?

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Why most baldheaded are men?




  1. baldness is a characteristic carried by the X-chromosome. Since men have only one X and Y chromosome then they ar emroe prone to baldness than women. if women have only one of the x-chromosome baldness, then they ar eonly considered carriers but not physically bald. for women, they must have both chromosomes to become bald. unlike men, they only have one x chromosome.

  2. because women are more conscious to their looks and hair is like their crown,

    so before they reach baldness, they try to use other methods to gain hair...

  3. Most men are s**y... I mean a lot of the hormone testosterone and thus hair falls down easily!

  4. not true, i've seens me some bald women, frogs and eagles...

  5. It has something to do with male hormone, although women do experience thinning hair as they grow older.

  6. Because of the genes and hormones involved.

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