
Why most of African nations are in a constant civil war?

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Why most of African nations are in a constant civil war?




  1. Most of them are not.  Just because the few you hear about on the news might have problems does not mean most of them do.

  2. It is an outcome of the constant plundering of enormous resources by other nations, africa is a great continent with lot of resources but since the bigining it allways been the victim of foriegn attack.

    Europeans already split that continent into many tiny countries as a part of "devide and rule" methode.Now nobody want to lose their country, everybody want naturally there will be arms race and disturction and no progresss.........but i got to tell u this, South Africa is emerging as a major power which is a hope for entire africa i believe.

  3. Because they purchased arms from rich nations to gain land. The principles of non-violence and mutual respect are alien concepts and as such the people are not religious.

    While India is backward by about 50-100 years compared to western countries Africa is behind by four centuries.

  4. Before Shaka Zulu, there were centuries of the same. It has always been that way. It is the same in all ancient history and seems to be a genetic trait with some groups but not only in Africa. The thing is some nations have been smarter and have managed so much better. It is so easy for some persuasive strong man to lead a army of have nots to take the lives and land of the haves. Why? Because they want more stuff and the honor. When asked why he ran for the presidency, the first George Bush could only come up with a one word answer - "The honor."  Not the money, not the need to change things for the better. He said it was for the honor.

    Why did Hitler decide invading Poland was a good idea? Why did the Conquistidors invade South American nations etc. Honor and plunder. Why did the British Empire invade and colonize. Same reason the Roman Empire did the same. You have gold and we want it. Even the black gold. Same old BS. The generals want honor the business people want gold. The young men are sent to invade and die if necessary. Why was there a civil war in America? Follow the money and blow off the idealistic BS.

  5. Because many African nations contain many different ethnic tribes that are not friendly to each other.  Much like the Middle East, the boundaries for different nations in Africa were decided by European nations as they staked their colonial territories.  As such, many African tribes are forced to live together in the same nation, but most of them prefer not to tolerate certain other tribes to live.

  6. For any group to succeed in civil society they need one thing- the ability and willingness to cooperate toward the common good WITHOUT being united by a common threat.

    ALL people will unite if a outside group is presented as attacking them, but this will end when real internal conflicts become distracting.

    Africans do not cooperate ALTRUISTICALLY, (for the common good) but only when it benefits their family, tribe, or personal interest, but do cooperate briefly when Jesse Jackson shouts about white people.

  7. do you mean new orleans and harlem?

  8. RESOURCES rule OUR World

  9. There are dozens of nations in Africa, most of them are not involved in a civil war, in fact some countries like South Africa, Egypt, and Kenya happen to be lovely places. As for the others that are, there are a lot of good reasons. One of the biggest reasons is tribal warfare. Plus the fact that many of these countries have limited natural resources makes people more prone to warring over basic needs like water and farmland. Furthermore, there is a ton of government corruption, and many nations still haven't recovered from the damage done by colonialism. All good reasons why neighbors fight one another.

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