
Why most of <span title="philosophers.................??">philosophers................</span>

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why there are so many philosophers from germany, like Marx, Kant, Nietzsche...and more.

what is the special thing in germany?




  1. During a brief period, many people embraced the concepts emanating out of the German philosophical perspective.

    These men became caught up in the notion that they could apply imperfect logic to unknowable questions and arrive at a perceived fact that existence isn&#039;t real.

    We have now accepted the notion that some assumptions must be accepted as true, even if we don&#039;t have absolute proof.  We must accept some philosophical postulates which allow us to get around the circular thinking that these great philosophers fall prey to.

    We now accept the postulate of conservation of beliefs and have moved on to more mundane searches for answers to the unknowable.

  2. Nothing special, there are cycles of time when so many philosophers were in India, in China, in Greek, ..... in Germany, .......

  3. everyone is a philosopher. just because some people get published doesnt mean they are the only philosophers.

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