
Why most of the anime fans are white guys?

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is that my misunderstanding?




  1. Being able to determine race and gender over the internet sure is a good trick.  

  2. You are severely misunderstood. I am a member of a school anime club.. and to be entirely honest the girls out number the guys three to one.. I being one of the girls...

    though I am white. :p LAWL.

    I know more girls than guys that enjoy anime and manga. I know like four guys all together that watch anime.

    It's just a general stereotype.  

  3. No I think that just a misunderstanding.  I've come across many anime fans that are all kinds of different races and most are girls too.

    In fact, I've noticed most aren't white guys. lol :)

    I'm a girl and I'm Mexican American.

  4. yeah its a misunderstanding, most of the anime fans I know are girls, and I think most guys go for the action like bleach and death note, and gundam.And girls usually go for the shojo and romance since its so good.

    And there are plenty of races that like anime.

  5. I don't know what country you live in, but let's look at this statistically.

    America is mostly white, so go figure a lot of anime fans in America are white.

    I went to France, most of the anime fans there were white (and French! GO FIGURE.)

    I have a friend who's Muslim with friends back in Jordan, they're Arabic anime fans :O

    In my personal experience, the most OBVIOUSLY anime geeky people are are men. But once I get to know people, I know more girls into anime, but it's very close. I'm in an anime club at a college that's 60% female, so my observations might be a bit off.

  6. SO NOT TRUE!!!! i think their the least.

  7. Yeah my bro is one

    I think they all want to bang liitle japanese chicks

  8. i think just a just may seem like it probably.

    i only know very few guys who like anime though...haha some being white. but ive seen a few that are a different race.

    im a girl and i like anime though. hawaiian/philipino though. but part white. so yeah =P

  9. they just are you racist ******

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