
Why most of the divorces were initiated by women while they’re not oppressed in the marriage?

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Ain’t women todays are more liberated in their marriage that they should have find it easier to go through, compared with women in the previous era?




  1. social changes in todays era arnt limited to gender realations....

    we are very much society of TODAY, I want to Happy TODAY, if it's not perfect I want a New thingy mick jiggy Today.

    We spend 2,000 on a computer, to buy a new one in a year.  300 on a cell phone to just throw away in 6 months, when a cooler one comes out.

    We rack up thousands of dollars in debt, b/c we need to be happy Today s***w when happens tomorrow.

    this same attitude goes into relationships.....if your not Happy TODAY better go find a new one.

    "love" as in the chemical type in your brain...only lasts about two years.  After that you HAVE to work, you HAVE to have friendship...and you have to really want to make it work.  

  2. Because the vast majority of women profit from both marriage and divorce.

  3. Lizzy said it well..since woman are liberated we have more choices.  We have learned that we don't have to put up with a husband that is cheating on us or abusing us mentally, emotionally or physically.

    We have choices... we can go to school and get a career.  At one time our primary calling in life was to get a husband, produce children and keep a house. We have realized that we are individuals with a brain and some men can't live with this.  They find it intimidating.

  4. they are more liberated but not more intelligent.  people rush into marriage in this era without truly having a commitment to the relationship.  1st sign of trouble they bail.  the women end up in a better situation <$$$$$$$> then when she entered.  the men are screwed and that usually works out in her mind.  win/win situation

  5. Divorce courts and family courts are so biased towards women it's easier for them to seek divorce. If a man isn't happy in a marriage he's more likely to work it through because he knows he'll get screwed in a divorce. Women don't have the same incentive.

  6. In many cases it is planned, and worked for

    That is not hard to see, or work out... think about it

    Do you think this don't cross women’s minds

    Ask yourself this..... Which is the easer man to get a woman to marry him, a broke @ss dude, or the highflying success with the big bank account?

    If it were a case of love, and only love, then either one would have the same chance. Right?

    A woman with three divorces’ can be very wealthy, and live very comfortable, and will also still have the children, what has she to lose… WHAT?

    Quote from - Rita Rudner: - "Whenever I date a guy, I think, is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with"?


    "I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewellery."

  7. I think that in the "previous era" divorce was more taboo than it is now.

    Even if a woman was unhappy she was much more likely to just accept it as "normal".

    You actually answered your own question...

    "women todays are more liberated"

    so if they want out of a relationship, they get out.

    I'm not saying I condone this behavior, for either gender.  I believe that marriages aren't to be entered into lightly and ended for no real reason.

  8. The question is "are they not oppressed in a marriage?" - i.e. studies show that men still do less than half the housework when both partners work. I'm not personally sure this is the answer, but might be part of it for some of those cases. If many are no-blame or summary divorce, it might just be that the women is the one most often to complete and hand in the paperwork - these are not blaim, their mutual divorces. So the failure of the marriage may be about both partners, and another factor is influencing who fills out the form (i.e. greater memory for details? Men dislike forms? something as insignificant as that?)

    All the people going on about women purely out for profit from marriage explaining such a large effect are silly. I can think of easier ways to get money than go through 11 years of marriage (on average) for money, some of which will be mine anyway. Or even four years (the peak).

  9. Good question, there should be less not more if what they say is true.  Maybe it's not true.

  10. Regardless of how people treat each other in a marriage, there will always be a certain number of marriages that simply don't work out, even if the partners make every effort.

    If that's the case, why *should* they stay together?

    Better to separate and find someone you DO want to live your life with.

    Cheers :-)

  11. What?  lol

    Your question makes no sense.

  12. Usually women file for divorce as a means to get financial support for child support the couple had together.  Unless she files for divorce, she will not be able to be paid for any money that is due to the children.  It's a very sad statement in our society that men can often walk away from the responsibility for the children they produced.

  13. Women just had it! now days we don't want to take BS from our man we want to be love, and care for. everything is a relationship has to be equal and a team effort.  

  14. We can THINK we know, but to what degree do we ever REALLY know what goes on in someoone else's life?  It may appear on the surface that a woman is not being oppressed when, in fact, she is secretly being driven past all reasonable limits. While her life may look normal in public, she may be living in a private H-ll.

    While "feminists" and "women's libbers" lobby for women's rights in the workplace and the political arena, it is an inescapable fact that, for far TOOOO many women, their greatest struggle for equality occurs behind the closed doors of their OWN HOMES!

    The break-up of a marriage no longer carries the social stigma it did in ages past.  If a woman DID succeed in escaping a bad marital situation, the social onus usually fell on HER, not HIM.  "Women in the previous era" had no outside resources and no links to any.  No matter HOW bad it was at home, they had NO OTHER option but to grit their teeth and bear it.  Today, there exist countless workplaces with jobs available to women and all sorts of alternative choices exist now that were not available even to my mother and her contemporaries.  So, it is perfectly reasonble to presume that a higher percentage of women are seeking divorces today because they now have options to do more than suffer a disfunctional relationship in stoic silence and pretend they are happy when they are miserable inside.  

    Fewer men seek divorces for a variety of reasons.  Some, because they fear property settlements.  Many have a possesive attitude toward their women and see divorce as the loss of a personal possession rather than a mate.  Still others see it as a failure or a personal defeat.

    While it is far less common than "wife abuse", "husband abuse" DOES exist, and an abused husband may be far more reluctant to air his family's "dirty laundry" in a public court setting than an abused woman.

    The classic "male ego" will keep a many men stuck to a bad situation that a woman would not think twice about just being glad to get away from.

    There is no question that there are women "out there" who abuse the divorce laws and exploit them for their own personal gain - and honorable women, who just want a good life with someone they love, are as outraged by that kind of behavior as the men who are victimized by it!  They give ALL women a bad name, and some of us resent that, highly!

  15. What? Is this a question?

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