
Why most women would turn their heads away, but almost all men will give back double stare....?

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When the person of opposite s*x that they have been staring of (out of attraction).. looks back at them?




  1. Some people don't have the balls. Only men have balls, last I checked.

  2. its a sudden reaction

    they might be bashful

    i do it & im not shy or anything, like if im walking down the street or something. I guess its just an awkward eye contact thing & not knowing how to react when u catch someone looking at you!!

    i agree with the 1st answer

  3. She wants him to pursue her .. he wants to pursue ...

  4. Well I am a man but when a handsome gentleman looks at me I hide behind my fan and giggle coquettishly and then I pretend to drop my hanky and when he retrieves it I smile coyly and then he asks me out for tea and I give him a hand-job under the table.

  5. I still turn my head away, if I look at them it's like for a split second, but I do smile though :)

  6. im like oh s*** im busted.(looking at the guy)i guess i dont want the guys to think i want more than a peek so i look away to avoid him possibly trying to hit on me.....and i get hella nervous around ppl, men and woman.

  7. I suppose for the fact of two traditionally minded individuals and their courtship rituals.

  8. Tact, or lack of it.

  9. When a women look away, it's sort of their way of being modest.. If a woman were to look back and keep staring, that's sort of a signal that she could be easy, she wants to be dominant too in the situation.

    Men, in all cases will keep looking if their interested and will be dominant in all cases.. Men that look away aren't interested.

  10. Yours is a cultural question. Not all women would turn their heads away if men stare at them, especially in the West. Perhaps that's more in the case like in India.

  11. I don't think it's a gender thing, it's that some people are shy about that kind of thing, maybe they feel insecure.

    On the other hand if a bloke is staring at me and keeps staring I think 'how rude!'.

  12. In terms of body language a woman looks away then looks back again in five-ten seconds if she find him attractive. It's a signal. If she's staring, he probably has something on his face...

    The idea is she wants to know if he's interested; if he is, he would continue looking while she looks away, and it also gives him a chance to observe her without being observed, Nothing to do with courage or "balls" etc - just a body language social signal.

    I actually dislike the whole body language theories because everyone acts differently, but that is the theory behind that behavoir.

  13. When I was younger I looked away, but now I don't give a c**p.

    I think in general, younger and shyer people will look away in embarrassment, while older more experienced people will keep looking.

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