
Why must I continuously verify my password??

by  |  earlier

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Why must I continuously verify my password. Can we not possibly reset the system whereby we could verify it once a month. As it is now it is a pain in the neck.




  1. why can't i sign in to yahoo .every time i do it want sing me in with out me changing my pass word

  2. just tighter / better security, thats all

  3. who cares?

  4. Next time, when verifying your password, check the box underneath it that says to save it, and you won't have to do it as much, but it will still pop up time to time.They have to verify your password just to be safe and protect your account from people who want to get in. If they don't know your password, they can't for the most part. It's just a precaution. It does get annoying sometimes.

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