
Why must experiments be repeatable?

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Why must experiments be repeatable?




  1. Experiments must be repeatable so others can repeat the experiments and verify or refute your results.  The results of your experiments are then subject to peer review, as they can repeat the experiment.

  2. if they were not, then anyone at any time can make a claim that may or may not be accurate.  if the experiment can be repeated, and the data reproduced both by the same person or independently by another experimenter, then the data should be deemed valid to support whatever claim/hypothesis is conveyed.

  3. You need to know that you are more than likely to get the same result each time. Think of it this way, maybe one medication treats headaches only 10 percent of the time, but there is another med that treats them 90 percent of the time.

    If researchers decided to stop checking after the first try, they may be putting a med on the market that is not going to be effective.

    This is the same principle behind proving theories.

  4. Experiments can be HARD to do.  Some can be really diabolical.  Even if they aren't, it can be easy to misunderstand something, make a mistake, you get the idea.  So, we know that if the experiment is understood and it's done right, it will give a result.  It will give the result every time.  No matter who does the experiment or where they do it.  Provided they do everything specified in the experiment.  If the experiment is not reproducible, then someone has made a mistake, or the experiment has factors that affect it that have not been identified.  Either way, if it can't be repeated, the result can't be trusted.  This doesn't mean it's necessarily wrong, by the way, it just means that it can't be said to be right.  

  5. for the results of an experiment to be considered proven, the results have to be able to be replicated reliably. if you could only get the results of an experiment once it may have been a fluke or an error.

  6. My experiment shows that the best way for you to be happy is to give me all of your money.  This experiment cannot be checked because it is non-repeatable.

    Barring that argument, look up the scientific method.

  7. Experiments must be repeatable because if you do not repeat it you might not know if your answer is really accurate so there for experiments must be repeated.

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