
Why must i sign into yahoo repeatedly instead of going directly to the homepage?

by Guest63565  |  earlier

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Why must i sign into yahoo repeatedly instead of going directly to the homepage?




  1. have u saved yahoo as your home page and also clicked remeber me

  2. Keep your selve signed in and make your homepage myyahoo.

  3. Also, your computer must store cookies to

    be able to stay signed in.  If you use clean up

    or in another way delete cookies after each

    computer use, you will have to sign in again

    each time.  

    Also, yahoo has a feature that tells how often

    you want to have to sign in.  I'm not sure where

    you find may be in your account area.

    Don't sign out of Yahoo when you end your

    computer session.  

    If you are using a public computer such as a

    library or a friend's, you should sign out for

    safety sake.

  4. When that happened to me, I found I had a virus.  My first virus check did not work.  However, clean everything on internet, run virus check, and defrag drive -- worked for me.

  5. Set your home page to Yahoo! and check the box '[/]  Remember my ID on this computer' when signing in.  You will remain signed in, for 2 weeks, or until/unless you sign out.


    How to set Yahoo! Home Page on Windows IE6 browser:

    >left click 'Tools' (at the top of your browser)

    >left click 'Internet Options' (bottom of drop down menu)

    >at 'General' tab, in 'Home Page' section>

    >in the 'Address:' window, type in...

    EXAMPLE:  "Address: [ ]"

    >left click 'Apply'

    >left click 'OK'

    I'm not familiar with IE7, but if it's intuitive it should be similar... Good Luck!

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